(双语)储备银行将官方现金利率下调至 4.75%

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  • RBNZ cuts official cash rate by 50 basis points to 4.75% – lowest since February 2023
    新西兰储备银行将官方现金利率下调 50 个基点至 4.75%,为 2023 年 2 月以来的最低水平
  • Slowing inflation and subdued economy justify bigger cut
  • Economists and financial markets overwhelmingly backed 50 basis point cut
    经济学家和金融市场压倒性地支持降息 50 个基点
  • RBNZ says the size and speed of future cuts will be determined by state of the economy
  • Retail banks already cut some rates in anticipation

The Reserve Bank has cut its benchmark cash rate by 50 basis points.
【澳纽网编译】储备银行已将其基准现金利率下调 50 个基点。

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Reserve Bank cuts Official Cash Rate to 4.75%

The central bank cut the official cash rate (OCR) to 4.75 percent, as expected, to its lowest level in 18 months, saying the bigger than usual rate cut was justified by slowing inflation and the slack in the economy.
正如预期的那样,央行将官方现金利率 (OCR) 下调至 4.75%,至 18 个月来的最低水平,称比平时更大的降息幅度是由于通胀放缓和经济疲软。

“The Committee agreed that it is appropriate to cut the OCR by 50 basis points to achieve and maintain low and stable inflation, while seeking to avoid unnecessary instability in output, employment, interest rates, and the exchange rate,” the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) said in a statement.
货币政策委员会 (MPC) 在一份声明中表示:“委员会一致认为,将 OCR 下调 50 个基点以实现和维持低而稳定的通胀是合适的,同时寻求避免产出、就业、利率和汇率方面不必要的不稳定。

It said the speed and size of future rate cuts would be determined by economic data.

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Retail banks have been quick to cut lending rates in anticipation of the big sized cut.

Within minutes of the Reserve Bank’s announcement that it would cut the official cash rate, two of the main banks had revealed they were lowering home loan interest rates.

ASB said it would cut its variable home loan rate from 8.39 percent to 7.89 percent.
ASB 表示,将把可变住房贷款利率从 8.39% 下调至 7.89%。

Its Orbit rate would drop to 7.99 percent.
它的Orbit率将下降到 7.99%。

Executive general manager, personal banking, Adam Boyd said 120,000 customers would be affected.
个人银行业务执行总经理 Adam Boyd 表示,将有 120,000 名客户受到影响。

“We do expect this downward OCR trend to continue into 2025 which will provide further relief.”
“我们确实预计这种 OCR 下降趋势将持续到 2025 年,这将提供进一步的缓解。”

ASB was also cutting savings rates – its on-call interest rate would drop from 2.65 percent to 2.15 percent. The Headstart youth account rate would drop from 4.75 percent to 4.15 percent.
ASB 还降低了储蓄利率——其随叫随到的利率将从 2.65% 降至 2.15%。Headstart 青年账户率将从 4.75% 降至 4.15%。

Earlier in the day, ASB announced cuts of 10 basis points across a number of fixed terms, and a 16bop reduction for the one-year rate.
当天早些时候,ASB 宣布将一些固定期限下调 10 个基点,并将一年期利率下调 16bop。

BNZ said it, too, would pass on the full OCR cut to variable home loans.
BNZ 表示,它也会将 OCR 的全面削减转嫁给可变住房贷款。

General manager, home lending products James Leydon said the OCR cut would be welcome news for many households.
房屋贷款产品总经理 James Leydon 表示,OCR 下调对许多家庭来说将是个好消息。

“We are continually assessing our interest rates and looking for opportunities to pass on rate reductions to our customers. Customers will benefit from our latest variable rate change which is effective from tomorrow,” Leydon said.
“我们不断评估我们的利率,并寻找机会将利率降低转嫁给我们的客户。客户将受益于我们最新的可变费率变化,该变化从明天开始生效,“Leydon 说。

“BNZ will continue to move quickly in response to changes in external factors, including the Official Cash Rate and wholesale interest rates, to ensure we’re passing rate changes on to our customers as quickly as possible.”
“BNZ 将继续迅速采取行动,以应对外部因素的变化,包括官方现金利率和批发利率,以确保我们尽快将利率变化传递给我们的客户。”


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Kiwibank said on Tuesday it was reducing its variable rate by 50bps.
Kiwibank 周二表示,它正在将其可变利率下调 50 个基点。

The chief economist at property research firm Corelogic, Kelvin Davidson, said the RBNZ statement had a sense of urgency.
房地产研究公司 Corelogic 的首席经济学家 Kelvin Davidson 表示,新西兰联储的声明具有紧迫感。

“There’s a sense in the Reserve Bank’s commentary that they feel a need to act fairly quickly to get monetary policy back towards a more neutral setting (or even stimulatory), rather than the restrictive territory it’s been in for quite some time now.”

He said he expected mortgage rates to keep falling, which would likely lift confidence in the housing market and help stop the fall in prices.

ASB chief economist Nick Tuffley tentatively expected a further 50 basis point cut in the last meeting of the year in November.
ASB 首席经济学家 Nick Tuffley 初步预计,在今年 11 月的最后一次会议上,联储将进一步降息 50 个基点。

“The outlook appears very data dependent, with a further 50bp not a done deal. The weakness of data through into early next year will influence how long the RBNZ keeps cutting in 50bp moves.”
“前景似乎非常依赖于数据,进一步加息 50 个基点尚未达成协议。直到明年初的数据疲软将影响新西兰联储继续降息 50 个基点的时间。

More to come… 


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(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News

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