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An Auckland bus driver is resting at home after he was allegedly slashed in the neck by a passenger. File photo / Michael Craig
题图:据称,一名奥克兰公交车司机被一名乘客割伤脖子,目前正在家休息。资料照片 / Michael Craig

Police have charged a 25-year-old man after an Auckland bus driver’s neck was slashed in a reportedly unprovoked attack.
【澳纽网编译】据报道,一名奥克兰公交车司机的脖子在一次无端袭击中被割伤后,警方对一名 25 岁的男子提出了指控。

The driver, Stefan, said he had been driving buses for 20 years but he “no longer feels safe” after the assault in Kingsland on October 4.
司机斯特凡说,他已经开了 20 年的公共汽车,但在 10 月 4 日金斯兰发生袭击后,他“不再感到安全”。

Area Commander Inspector Alisse Robertson, of Auckland City West Police, said the bus had stopped on New North Road.
奥克兰市西部警察局的区域指挥官督察阿利斯·罗伯逊 (Alisse Robertson) 表示,这辆公交车停在 New North Road。

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“The offender allegedly struck the driver, before running away from the bus.”

The victim didn’t see the weapon used against him, suggesting it could have been a knife or Hop card.
受害者没有看到对付他的武器,这表明这可能是一把刀或 Hop 卡。

“Our staff attended at the time and began to make inquiries into the matter,” she said.

Police found a 25-year-old Henderson man and arrested him overnight.
警方找到了一名 25 岁的亨德森男子,并在晚上逮捕了他。

He was charged with assault and is due to appear in the Auckland District Court today.

“I know when these events occur it impacts the staff and commuters who use these services,” Robertson said.


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“More than 13,500 bus services alone operate across our city every day, most without incident.”
“仅每天我们城市就有超过 13,500 次公交服务运营,其中大多数没有发生事故。”

Five days after the attack, the cut was still healing. Photo / Dean Purcell
Five days after the attack, the cut was still healing. Photo / Dean Purcell
袭击发生五天后,伤口仍在愈合。照片 / Dean Purcell


Driver described unprovoked neck-slashing by passenger

When the driver pulled into the bus stop at Kingsland and moved to open the door, he suddenly felt “a piercing, electric-shock sensation”, he told the Herald.

He had viewed CCTV footage with his manager but it remained unclear what kind of weapon was used in the attack.

“It could have been a small knife but, if that was the case, I believe the cut would have been much deeper,” he said.

“My manager seems to think it was a Hop card that he used to assault me.
“我的经理似乎认为这是他用来攻击我的 Hop 卡。

“Initially there was no pain, just like I was electrocuted or something, but then a passenger came up to me and said I was bleeding.

“I touched my neck and that was when I knew I had been cut.”

Stefan said the pain hit moments later and he saw the back of his attacker, who had dreadlocks and appeared intoxicated.

He said the attacker pushed the emergency exit button and left the bus while passengers called police.

“Everything was in a blur at the time,” Stefan said.
“当时一切都很模糊,”Stefan 说。

“Some [passengers] asked if I was okay, and one offered me water.”
“一些 [乘客] 问我是否还好,其中一人给我喝水。”

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Before moving to New Zealand, Stefan had served in the Austrian military but told the Herald his training could not have prevented the unexpected assault from behind.
在搬到新西兰之前,斯特凡曾在奥地利军队服役,但告诉Herald ,他的训练无法阻止来自背后的意外袭击。

Bus driver Stefan said his manager believed a Hop card was used to cut him. Photo / Dean Purcell
Bus driver Stefan said his manager believed a Hop card was used to cut him. Photo / Dean Purcell
公交车司机斯特凡说,他的经理认为有人用 Hop 卡割伤了他。照片 / Dean Purcell


“We’ve been told by our company, Kinetic, and Auckland Transport never to argue with passengers and to let them do what they want to do, and I know that.
“我们的公司 Kinetic 和 Auckland Transport 告诉我们,永远不要与乘客争论,让他们做他们想做的事,我知道这一点。

“But what do you do when the passenger just attacks you from the back out of nowhere?”

来源:NZ Herald

分类: 澳纽资讯

(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News

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