图片: 壮观南极光回归新西兰天空

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题图摄影:彩虹摄影/澳纽网陈洪灿 Ken Chen (www.kenchen.co.nz) 摄于奥克兰 Whatipu

An image of the aurora australis taken with an iPhone 14 at Lake Ellesmere, Canterbury on 11 October 2024.

An image of the aurora australis taken with an iPhone 14 at Lake Ellesmere, Canterbury on 11 October 2024. Photo: Shanelle Siaki / Supplied

2024 年 10 月 11 日,用 iPhone 14 在坎特伯雷埃尔斯米尔湖拍摄的南方极光图像。 照片:Shanelle Siaki / 提供

In pictures: Aurora australis makes spectacular return to New Zealand skies

The aurora australis has made a spectacular return to New Zealand skies, with people reporting displays of the Southern Lights from all parts of the country on Friday night.

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This year, the Southern Lights have been unusually active, as the Sun undergoes a period of intense activity, which occurs in 11-year cycles.
今年,南极光异常活跃,因为太阳经历了一段以 11 年为周期的强烈活动期。

Have you seen the aurora australis? Send images to [email protected]
你见过南方极光吗?将图像发送到 [email protected]

In the Deep South, Debbie Crompton captured these images in Bluff, saying: “I felt like I was literally standing underneath it.”
在南方腹地,黛比·克朗普顿 (Debbie Crompton) 在 Bluff 中捕捉到了这些图像,她说:“我觉得我真的站在它下面。

Debbie Crompton shot this image of the Southern Lights in Bluff on 11 October 2024.

Debbie Crompton shot this image of the Southern Lights in Bluff Photo: Debbie Crompton / Supplied
黛比·克朗普顿 (Debbie Crompton) 在布拉夫拍摄了这张南极光的照片 照片:Debbie Crompton / Supplied

Debbie Crompton shot this image of the Southern Lights in Bluff on 11 October 2024.

Debbie Crompton shot this image of the Southern Lights in Bluff, looking towards Invercargill. Photo: Debbie Crompton / Supplied
黛比·克朗普顿 (Debbie Crompton) 在布拉夫 (Bluff) 拍摄了这张南极光的照片,望向因弗卡吉尔 (Invercargill)。 照片:Debbie Crompton / Supplied

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In Queenstown, Kate Walker captured this stunning image from Jack’s Point.
在皇后镇,凯特·沃克 (Kate Walker) 从 Jack’s Point 捕捉到了这张令人惊叹的照片。

An image of the aurora australis taken by Kate Walker from Jack's Point in Queenstown at 11.19pm on 11 October 2024.

An image of the aurora australis taken by Kate Walker from Jack’s Point in Queenstown. Photo: Kate Walker / Supplied
Kate Walker 在皇后镇的 Jack’s Point 拍摄的南极光图像。 照片:Kate Walker / 提供

And in Wānaka, Cody Tiger Gray said he had slept through an early morning alarm but managed to wake at 4.45. “I dashed down to the lake and managed to capture these shots as dawn broke. It was wild to see those beams still visible even with the sunrise creeping in!”
在瓦纳卡,科迪·泰格·格雷 (Cody Tiger Gray) 说,他在清晨的闹钟中睡着了,但设法在 4 点 45 分醒来。“我冲到湖边,在黎明破晓时设法捕捉到了这些镜头。即使日出悄悄进入,看到那些光束仍然可见,真是太疯狂了!

In Wānaka, Cody Tiger Gray shot this image of the aurora over the lake as dawn broke on 12 October 2024.

In Wānaka, Cody Tiger Gray shot this image of the aurora over the lake as dawn broke. Photo: Cody Tiger Gray Photographer / supplied
在瓦纳卡,Cody Tiger Gray 在黎明破晓时拍摄了这张湖上极光的照片。 照片:Cody Tiger Gray 摄影师 / 提供


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In Canterbury, residents drove to Lake Ellesmere to capture the aurora reflected off the water. Shanelle Siaki was there around 9pm and captured a number of images on her iPhone 14.
在坎特伯雷,居民驱车前往埃尔斯米尔湖 (Lake Ellesmere) 捕捉水面上反射的极光。Shanelle Siaki 在晚上 9 点左右到达那里,用她的 iPhone 14 拍摄了许多照片。

An image of the aurora australis taken with an iPhone 14 at Lake Ellesmere, Canterbury on 11 October 2024.

An image of the aurora australis taken with an iPhone 14 at Lake Ellesmere, Canterbury on 11 October Photo: Shanelle Siaki / Supplied
10 月 11 日在坎特伯雷埃尔斯米尔湖用 iPhone 14 拍摄的南方极光照片 照片:Shanelle Siaki / 提供

Also at Lake Ellesmere was Natalie Crowther, who took family members to her favourite spot for star-gazing and aurora-spotting.
娜塔莉·克劳瑟 (Natalie Crowther) 也在埃尔斯米尔湖,她带着家人去了她最喜欢的地方观星和观极光。

An image of the aurora australis at the peak of its display, taken by Natalie Crowther at Lake Ellesmere in Canterbury on 11 October 2024.

An image of the aurora australis at the peak of its display, taken by Natalie Crowther at Lake Ellesmere in Canterbury. Photo: Natalie Crowther / Supplied
极光在展示高峰期的照片,由 Natalie Crowther 在坎特伯雷的埃尔斯米尔湖拍摄。 照片:Natalie Crowther / Supplied

In the capital, Sam Wilson captured this image of the Southern Lights at Red Rocks on Wellington’s south coast.
在首都,山姆·威尔逊 (Sam Wilson) 在惠灵顿南海岸的红岩 (Red Rocks) 拍摄了这张南极光的照片。

Sam Wilson captured this image of the Southern Lights at Red Rocks on Wellington's south coast on 11 October 2024.

Sam Wilson captured this image of the Southern Lights at Red Rocks on Wellington’s south coast. Photo: Sam Wilson / Supplied
山姆·威尔逊 (Sam Wilson) 在惠灵顿南海岸的红岩 (Red Rocks) 拍摄了这张南极光的照片。 照片:Sam Wilson / 提供

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Alastair Watkins took this photo of the aurora lighting up North Taranaki skies on Friday night.
阿拉斯泰尔·沃特金斯 (Alastair Watkins) 在周五晚上拍摄了这张极光照亮北塔拉纳基天空的照片。

An image of the aurora australis taken by Alastair Watkins in North Taranaki on 11 October 2024.

An image of the aurora australis taken by Alastair Watkins in North Taranaki. Photo: Alastair Watkins / Supplied
Alastair Watkins 在北塔拉纳基拍摄的南极光图像。 照片:Alastair Watkins / 提供

At Karioitahi Beach, south of Auckland, Simon Jarman (@sjarmanphoto) said it was a “decent show” on Friday, posting on NZ Dark Skies the aurora “went off” around 9pm, “died down then came back around 11.15”. His shot was taken facing west.
在奥克兰南部的 Karioitahi 海滩,Simon Jarman (@sjarmanphoto) 表示,周五的表演“不错”,他在 NZ Dark Skies 上发布极光在晚上 9 点左右“熄灭”,“消退然后在 11 点 15 分左右回来”。他的镜头是面向西方拍摄的。

An image of the aurora australis taken from Karioitahi Beach, south of Auckland on 11 October. SINGLE USE ON LY

An image of the aurora australis taken from Karioitahi Beach, south of Auckland on 11 October. Photo: SIMON JARMAN PHOTOGRAPHY / SUPPLIED
10 月 11 日在奥克兰南部的 Karioitahi 海滩拍摄的南极光图像。 照片:SIMON JARMAN PHOTOGRAPHY / SUPPLIED

Meanwhile in south Auckland, Katrina Piggott described the skies around Papakura looking “pretty in pink tonight”.
与此同时,在奥克兰南部,卡特里娜·皮戈特 (Katrina Piggott) 描述了帕帕库拉周围的天空看起来“今晚的粉红色很漂亮”。

Katrina Piggott captured this image of the aurora australis in Papakura, south Auckland on 11 October 2024.

Katrina Piggott captured this image of the aurora australis in Papakura, south Auckland. Photo: Katrina Piggott / Supplied
卡特里娜·皮戈特 (Katrina Piggott) 在奥克兰南部的帕帕库拉 (Papakura) 拍摄了这张南方极光的图像。 照片:Katrina Piggott / 提供

Northwest of Auckland, at Muriwai Beach, Kasuy Gonzaga captured an image of a star framed by the aurora.
在奥克兰西北部的 Muriwai 海滩,Kasuy Gonzaga 拍摄了一张被极光框住的星星的图像。

Kasuy Gonzaga captured this shot of the aurora australis at Muriwai Beach, northwest of Auckland on 11 October 2024.

Kasuy Gonzaga captured this shot of the aurora australis at Muriwai Beach, northwest of Auckland. Photo: Kasuy Gonzaga / Supplied
Kasuy Gonzaga 在奥克兰西北部的 Muriwai 海滩拍摄了这张南极光的照片。 照片:Kasuy Gonzaga / 提供

RNZ’s Northland reporter Peter de Graaf captured an image of a glowing purple night sky late on Friday night at Marsden Cross, Rangihoua Heritage Park, in the northern Bay of Islands.
RNZ 的 Northland 记者 Peter de Graaf 周五深夜在岛屿湾北部的 Rangihoua Heritage Park 的 Marsden Cross 捕捉到了一张发光的紫色夜空的图像。


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He said the aurora was barely visible with the naked eye, but the colours were revealed with a long, 15-second exposure.
他说,肉眼几乎看不到极光,但经过 15 秒的长时间曝光后,颜色就会显现出来。

An image of the aurora australis taken on 11 October at Marsden Cross, Rangihoua Heritage Park, in the northern Bay of Islands.

Photo: Peter de Graaf
摄影: Peter de Graaf

While not as intense as May’s display, you could still spot the aurora tonight from the lower North Island using your cameras, especially with clear skies for many areas.
虽然没有 5 月那么强烈,但今晚您仍然可以使用相机从北岛南部看到极光,尤其是在许多地区天空晴朗的情况下。

Many in the Northern Hemisphere have also been sharing images of the Aurora borealis this week.

But an astronomer says Friday was the peak of the aurora australis’ return to New Zealand.

Stardome astronomer Rob Davison says another display is unlikely as the geomagentic storm has ended..
Stardome天文学家Rob Davison表示,由于地热风暴已经结束,不太可能再次出现。

The aurora displays are related to activity from the Sun.

Usually particles from solar flares bounce off the Earth’s magnetic field, but when there is a severe eruption, they can penetrate the ionosphere and interact with gases around the magnetic poles – causing the ribbons of colour.

Auroras are usually confined to certain latitudes in the north and south, which makes them relatively rare to observe for most of the population.

The pinks, purples and greens that are often associated with aurora are the particles interacting with different gasses. Simply put, oxygen – which emits greenish-yellow or red light – and nitrogen – which emits blue light – in the upper atmosphere release specific colours when bombarded by solar radiation.

Atoms, molecules and ions in the atmosphere are excited by the electrically charged particles and, in turn, release photons – which is the light we see.


分类: 澳纽资讯

(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News

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