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新西兰国家应急管理局(National Emergency Management Agency,NEMA)称,太平洋地区发生的7.3级大地震将不会给新西兰带来海啸的威胁。

根据美国地质调查局US Geological Survey(USGS)的消息,周二(12月17日),瓦努阿图(Vanuatu)的维拉港(Port-Vila)发生的地震震源深度为10公里。


  • 瓦努阿图维拉港发生 7.3 级地震
  • 地震深度为 10 千米,被描述为 “剧烈、高频率的垂直摇晃”。
  • 新西兰国家紧急事务管理局表示,新西兰不会受到海啸威胁
  • MFAT 表示,目前有 37 名新西兰人在瓦努阿图。
  • 美国海啸预警系统已经取消了对瓦努阿图人的海啸威胁,尽管该国一些沿海地区已经出现了海啸波浪。
  • 早些时候,该系统曾预测瓦努阿图部分海岸线将出现高达 1 米的海浪。据预测,包括斐济、基里巴斯、新喀里多尼亚、所罗门群岛和图瓦卢在内的太平洋岛国的海啸波浪将比潮位高出不到 30 厘米。

What you need to know

  • An earthquake of magnitude 7.3 has struck Port-Vila, in Vanuatu
  • The quake was at a depth of 10km and has been described as a “violent, high frequency vertical shake”
  • There is no threat of a tsunami for New Zealand, NEMA says
  • 37 Kiwis are registered as being in Vanuatu currently, MFAT says
  • The US Tsunami Warning System has cancelled a tsunami threat for those in Vanuatu, although tsunami waves have been spotted along some of the country’s coasts
  • Earlier, it had predicted waves of up to 1m along some parts of Vanuatu’s coastline. Tsunami waves of less than 30cm above the tidal level were predicted for Pacific island nations including Fiji, Kiribati, New Caledonia, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu.

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Damage in Vanuatu 
Damage in Vanuatu  credit: Facebook / Laken Rowhay 
Dec 17, 2024 4:33 PM
RNZ Live



此前,该中心曾在瓦努阿图发生 7.3 级地震后的一小时内向瓦努阿图及其几个太平洋邻国发出海啸警报。


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Tsunami threat over
As reported earlier, the US Tsunami National Warning Centre says the tsunami threat from a large Vanuatu earthquake has now passed.

It has previously issued tsunami warnings fro Vanuatu and several of its Pacific neighbours in the hour following the 7.3 magnitude quake.
Coastal and deep ocean sea level gauges have recorded a wave a quarter of a metre above the normal tide level in Vanuatu.