(30日)新西兰 DELTA 爆发:社区新增19例, 奥克兰西区出现集群。内含中英疫情简报会直播内容

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There are 19 Covid cases in the community today.

今天社区中有 19 例 Covid 病例。

PM Jacinda Ardern and Dr Ashley Bloomfield give Covid-19 update

PM Jacinda Ardern 和 Ashley Bloomfield 博士提供 Covid-19 更新

19 new cases, 18 of them in Auckland and one in northern Hauraki, Bloomfield said.

布卢姆菲尔德说,新增 19 例病例,其中 18 例在奥克兰,1 例在北豪拉基。

We’re expecting another 30 or so cases in coming days from day 5 and 12 testing, Bloomfield said.

布卢姆菲尔德说,从第 5 天和第 12 天的测试开始,我们预计未来几天还会出现 30 起左右的病例。

The case from upper Hauraki is a student and has been isolating at home, Bloomfield said.


As the case has been in isolation at home the risk of spread is regarded as low, Bloomfield said.


There is a positive result in a managed isolation facility. The worker is fully vaccinated. The positive result was picked up through regular fortnightly testing, Bloomfield said.

管理隔离设施取得了积极成果。 该工人已完全接种疫苗。 布卢姆菲尔德说,阳性结果是通过每两周一次的定期检测获得的。

Otara is no longer a suburb of interest, while Henderson and Papakura have been added to the list.

Otara 不再是一个涉疫关注的郊区,而 Henderson 和 Papakura 已被添加到列表中。

Confirming latest wastewater testing in Mt Maunganui and Tauranga was negative, Bloomfield said.


At this stage we continue to have control of the Covid outbreak in Auckland, Ardern said.

Ardern 说,在现阶段,我们继续控制奥克兰的 Covid 疫情。

Control is key. We do not have enough people vaccinated in Auckland  or in NZ to tolerate a widespread outbreak, Ardern said.

控制是关键。 Ardern 说,我们在奥克兰或新西兰没有足够的人接种疫苗来容忍大规模爆发。

Restrictions would ease, but for now they were a job for us, Ardern said.


The outbreak was not just in one part of Auckland, and there was a cluster now in west Auckland, Ardern said. Everyone needed to be on high alert, but with a particular focus on some of the new suburbs of interest – Henderson and Papakura. People with even mild symptoms were being asked to be tested.

阿德恩说,疫情不仅发生在奥克兰的一个地区,现在奥克兰西部也出现了集群。 每个人都需要保持高度警惕,但要特别关注一些新的涉疫关注的郊区——Henderson 和 Papakura。 甚至有轻微症状的人也被要求接受检测。

Work is under way to roll out opportunities to get testing and vaccination at the same time, Bloomfield said.


Ardern says she wants to signal the high likelihood of the Auckland boundary remaining. High consideration is being given to easing. Removing that regional boundary is not in consideration.

Ardern 表示,她想表明奥克兰边界仍然存在的可能性很高。 正在高度考虑宽松。 不考虑取消该区域边界。

There are two new sub-clusters, Bloomfield said. One was a southeast Auckland household cluster, made up of five households. The other was a west Auckland cluster. “It’s those two sub-clusters that are really giving rise to the new cases at the moment.”

布卢姆菲尔德说,有两个新的子集群。 一个是奥克兰东南部的一个家庭集群,由五个家庭组成。 另一个是奥克兰西部的集群。 “目前真正引起新病例的是这两个子集群。”

Of today’s 19 cases, 16 are known household or other contacts, one is a household contact who was not previously identified and one is a possible contact. Just four of yesterday’s case remain unlinked, Bloomfield said.

在今天的 19 例病例中,16 例是已知的家庭或其他接触者,1 例是先前未确定的家庭接触者,1 例是可能的接触者。 布卢姆菲尔德说,昨天的病例中只有四个没有联系。

19 of the recent cases are linked to transitional or emergency housing, Bloomfield said.

布卢姆菲尔德说,最近的 19 个病例与过渡或紧急住房有关。

Testing teams in Auckland were going to about 40 transitional and emergency housing sites in the coming days, to offer testing to all residents, Bloomfield said.

布卢姆菲尔德说,奥克兰的检测小组将在未来几天内前往大约 40 个过渡和紧急住房站点,为所有居民提供检测。

No direct connection had been made between the Auckland boundary and the city getting to the 90 per cent vaccination level, Ardern said.

阿德恩说,奥克兰边界与城市达到 90% 的疫苗接种水平之间没有直接联系。

Few countries in the world have pulled away border restrictions first, Ardern said. That is not a safe way to manage Covid. We need to get domestic setting right, so we can have as few restrictions for people domestically as possible before we start making alterations at the border.

阿德恩说,世界上很少有国家首先取消边境限制。 这不是管理 Covid 的安全方式。 我们需要正确设置国内环境,以便在我们开始在边境进行更改之前,尽可能减少对国内人员的限制。






Covid-19: Locations of interest in Delta outbreak, September 30

Covid-19:9 月 30 日在Delta 爆发涉疫轨迹关注点

Supermarkets and a laundromat in south Auckland are the latest locations of interest linked to the Covid-19 Delta community outbreak.

奥克兰南部的超市和自助洗衣店是与 Covid-19 Delta 社区爆发有关的最新关注地点。

The addition comes after the Ministry of Health announced 45 new cases Covid-19 on Wednesday, the highest case numbers in New Zealand in three weeks.

卫生部在周三宣布了 45 例新的 Covid-19 病例,这是新西兰三周以来的最高病例数。

Anyone who visited Flat Bush laundromat in Ōtara on September 25, between 4.30pm and 7.15pm, is being asked to self-isolate for 14 days after their visit.

任何于 9 月 25 日下午 4 点至 7 点 15 分访问 Ōtara 的 Flat Bush 自助洗衣店的人,都被要求在访问后自我隔离 14 天。

Expiring driver’s licences another problem for stranded Kiwis

Kiwis stranded overseas due to Covid-19 could find their movement restricted further as their New Zealand driver’s licences expire.

由于 Covid-19 而滞留在海外的新西兰人可能会发现,随着新西兰驾照到期,他们的行动受到进一步限制。

Many travellers rely on an international driving permit or reciprocal licence agreements while overseas, but both require drivers to hold a valid New Zealand licence.


For those trapped offshore due to the pandemic, including 79-year-old Lyn Hogg​, expiring licences and strict renewal processes present a problem.

对于那些因大流行而被困在海外的人来说,包括 79 岁的 Lyn Hogg ,即将到期的许可证和严格的续订程序是一个问题。


(30日)(滚动更新) 新西兰多来源英语新闻 New Zealand Multi-sources Rolling English News

(29日)新西兰 DELTA 爆发:社区新增45例(其中11名警察病例),内含中英疫情简报会直播内容