(即时多来源) 中英中国要闻 (Rolling) Chinese/English China News

English News 中国新闻


Hong Kong joins global crypto ETF race

Rollout of spot bitcoin and ether exchange traded funds follows launch of similar products in US by BlackRock and Fidelity

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Centuries-old sunken town re-emerges during drought

The nearly 300-year-old Philippine town was submerged in the 1970s to build a major reservoir.

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What does Elon Musk’s China trip mean for Tesla?

EV maker’s chief executive held talks with premier Li Qiang and secured key approval for data use

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China’s high-tech output drives growth in factory activity

Purchasing managers’ index shows expansion but falls from March as recovery slows

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  中新网4月30日电 据北京市教育委员会官方微信消息,为了让孩子们度过一个快乐、充实、安全的“五一”假期,北京市教委面向全市的中小学、家长及社会公众发出中小学生“快乐过五一”的倡议,希望家庭、学校、社会携手,共同助力孩子的快乐成长。

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八部门:改善交通出行体验 提升交通出行和支付便利化水平

  中新网4月30日电 据交通运输部官方微信消息,近日,交通运输部会同文化和旅游部、中国人民银行、国家移民管理局、国家铁路局、中国民用航空局、国家外汇管理局、中国国家铁路集团有限公司联合印发通知,对做好交通出行和支付便利化工作进行部署。

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  中新社北京4月30日电 (记者 马帅莎)4月30日上午,神舟十七号载人飞船撤离空间站组合体,三名航天员踏上回家之旅。“出差”太空半年,乘组创下多项新纪录,繁忙的工作之余,他们充当太空“摄影师”和“菜农”,解锁不少有趣时光。

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China-developed human-like dexterous robot hands win top international awards

Casia Hand, serialized humanoid dexterous robot hands developed by a Chinese team, has won two top awards at the 49th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva held in Switzerland, according to the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academic of Science on Monday.

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  中新网4月30日电 据中国一重集团网站消息,4月30日,中国一重集团有限公司召开领导班子(扩大)会议。受中央组织部领导委托,中央组织部有关干部局负责同志宣布了党中央关于中国一重集团有限公司总经理任职的决定:吕智强同志任中国一重集团有限公司董事、总经理、党委副书记,免去其哈尔滨电气集团有限公司董事、党委副书记职务。相关职务任免,按有关法律和章程的规定办理。

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  中新网4月30日电 据中央纪委国家监委网站消息,“五一”、端午将至,为持之以恒落实中央八项规定精神,以案明纪释法,强化纪律教育,有效释放露头就打、严管严治强烈信号,安徽省纪委监委公开通报5起违反中央八项规定精神典型问题。具体如下:

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China's factory activity expands in April

China's manufacturing activity expanded for the second consecutive month in April, an official survey showed on Tuesday, though the expansion slowed a bit amid lackluster domestic demand.

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First batch of images captured by China's Einstein Probe satellite released

Inspired by the functions of lobster eyes, EP uses new X-ray detection technology to observe mysterious transient phenomena in the universe that flicker like fireworks.

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  中新网4月30日电 据水利部网站消息,为进一步强化安全生产责任落实,有效防范化解安全风险,根据《水利部办公厅关于做好“五一”期间有关工作的通知》及治本攻坚三年行动有关工作安排,近日,淮河水利委员会集中开展“五一”节前重点时段安全生产专项检查。

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Traditional Yingge folk dance staged in Hong Kong

The dance, a national intangible cultural heritage in China, dates back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and is considered a dance for heroic warriors due to its close association with the classic novel about Chinese heroism called Water Margin.

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Azalea flowers bloom in mist-shrouded mountain in C China

Spectacular scenery of azalea flowers blooming in the mist-shrouded Guifeng Mountain in Huanggang, central China's Hubei Province, April 29, 2024.

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  中新网4月30日电 据广东省纪委监委网站消息,珠海市卫生健康局党委书记、局长徐超龙涉嫌严重违纪违法,目前正接受珠海市纪委监委纪律审查和监察调查。

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  中新网4月30日电 据中国地震局网站消息,4月30日上午,中央组织部有关负责同志出席中国地震局领导干部会议,宣布中央决定:王昆同志任中国地震局党组书记;免去闵宜仁同志的中国地震局党组书记职务。

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福建晋江:推进绿色转型 打造高质量发展新引擎

  光明日报记者 冯家照 高建进 张诗瑶

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  ◎本报记者 陈 曦

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  中新网4月30日电 据教育部网站消息,日前,中央批准:于吉红同志任北京师范大学校长(副部长级)、党委副书记。4月30日上午,北京师范大学召开教师干部会议。中央组织部副部长彭金辉同志到会宣布中央决定并讲话,教育部副部长、党组成员、总督学王嘉毅同志,北京市委常委、组织部部长游钧同志出席会议并讲话。北京师范大学党委书记程建平同志主持会议。

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  中新社北京4月30日电 (记者 张素)中国最高人民检察院4月30日对外发布一批检察机关依法维护劳动者合法权益典型案例,包括依法惩治恶意欠薪等内容。今年一季度,检察环节共追讨欠薪2700余万元(人民币,下同)。

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市场监管总局发文推动企业改进包装 让食品生产日期找得到、看得清


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  中新网4月30日电 据水利部网站消息,29日,长江防总常务副总指挥、长江水利委员会主任刘冬顺主持防汛会商,传达贯彻水利部关于做好“五一”期间有关工作的要求,分析研判流域汛、旱情发展态势,安排部署“五一”期间水旱灾害防御重点工作。

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习近平主席将出访欧洲三国 外交部发言人介绍具体安排和访问期待


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  中新网4月30日电 据公安部网站消息,针对人民群众反映强烈的吸烟、霸座、闹事等“机闹”问题,2023年7月以来,民航公安机关组织开展了依法整治“机闹”,维护航空安全秩序专项行动,全力保障民航运营安全,切实提高民航旅客安全感和满意度。专项行动开展以来,全国民航公安机关共打击处理“机闹”事件669起,采取刑事强制措施6人次,行政拘留311人次。每百万旅客中扰序行为人占比较专项行动前下降13.2%,有效遏制“机闹”多发态势,有效维护了航空安全秩序。今日,公安部公布5起依法整治“机闹”维护航空安全秩序专项行动典型案件,涵盖在飞机上霸座、吸烟、打架斗殴、开启应急舱门、编造虚假恐怖信息等多发违法犯罪行为。

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  中新网深圳4月30日电 (程景伟 郑小红)记者30日从中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院了解到,该院集成技术研究所机器视觉研究中心研究员宋展团队在人脸动态三维成像技术领域取得进展,研究团队自主研发出多视角4D高精度人脸三维成像系统,相较传统的3D人脸扫描技术,该系统在精度、分辨率和速度上均实现大幅提升。

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  中新网广州4月30日电 (记者 程景伟)2024年度“老兵永远跟党走——老兵宣讲”巡回宣讲首场报告会暨广东省老兵宣讲“七进”系列活动29日在广州中山大学举行。报告会上,来自全国各地的7名优秀老兵分享了精彩故事。

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Tensions grow as China ramps up mining for green tech

China has taken big stakes in mines across the world extracting minerals vital to the green economy.

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  中新社北京4月30日电  中国海警局4月30日发布消息,当天,中国海警依法对菲律宾侵闯黄岩岛邻近海域的4410海警船、3004公务船实施驱离。(完)

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  中新社北京4月30日电 中国官方30日通报,司法部原党组成员、副部长刘志强涉嫌严重违纪违法,目前正接受中央纪委国家监委纪律审查和监察调查。

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China’s problem is excess savings, not too much capacity

Policymakers on either side of bitter trade dispute seem to confuse two issues

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  中新社巴黎4月30日电 (记者 李洋)当地时间4月29日,中国驻法国大使卢沙野接受多家媒体联合采访,介绍习近平主席对法国进行国事访问有关情况并同媒体互动答问。

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China's coast guard continues to patrol waters off Kinmen to ensure safety

The coast guard of East China's Fujian province conducted a regular law enforcement patrol near the waters off Kinmen on Monday, according to an announcement of the China Coast Guard.

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Peru, China ready to strengthen friendship

Beijing supports Peru in hosting the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting this year, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Monday.

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Rocket engine test sets thrust record

China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp, the country's major space contractor, conducted a major test on a new type of rocket engine on Sunday, creating the most thrust ever recorded in tests of a Chinese liquid-propellant engine.

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China's Shenzhou-17 manned spaceship separates from space station combination

China's Shenzhou-17 manned spaceship separated from the Tiangong space station combination on Tuesday, according to the China Manned Space Agency.

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Insights | Former ambassador: 'Overcapacity' claim reveals U.S. and Europe fear of losing in new energy industry

The U.S. and European narrative on China's ‘industrial overcapacity' reflects the fears of losing their investment in clean energy products, such as solar, EV, and semiconductors from similar products from China that are more competitive, said a former Malaysian ambassador to China.

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Chengdu horticultural expo celebrates friendship

The International Horticultural Exhibition 2024 Chengdu, which kicked off on Friday in Chengdu, capital of Southwest China's Sichuan province, provides a platform for cities around the world to discuss the future of green development and enhance friendship.

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China-Ecuador free trade agreement effective from May 1: MOFCOM

The free trade agreement (FTA) between China and Ecuador will be effective from May 1, China's Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) said on Monday, aiming to further unleash the potential of trade and investment cooperation between the two countries.

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China Southern purchases 100 C919 aircraft

China Southern Airlines has ordered 100 home-made C919 aircraft from Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC), the carrier said in a filing on Monday.

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Chinese scientists develop fast breeding rice in Xinjiang desert greenhouses

Chinese scientists have successfully developed fast breeding rice in desert greenhouses in Hotan Prefecture, Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, for the first time under the trial period, making the rice grow from planting to harvest in just 75 days.

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New species of dinosaur egg discovered in E.China's Shandong

A new dinosaur egg species was discovered recently in Laiyang, East China's Shandong Province, according to media reports on Sunday.

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PLA Navy's first female carrier-based aircraft pilots successfully complete solo flight training

The first group of PLA Navy's female carrier-based aircraft pilots successfully completed their first solo flight training at a military airport recently, showing their ability to independently pilot an aircraft.

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The mutual visa exemption agreement between China and Georgia will take effect on May 28

The mutual visa exemption agreement between China and Georgia will take effect on May 28, according to the Chinese Embassy in Georgia.

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Chinese Ambassador urges U.S. to remove obstacles hindering bilateral cultural exchanges

In response to the U.S.' discriminatory and politically motivated actions of recent years, Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. Xie Feng urged the U.S. to remove obstacles hindering bilateral cultural exchanges.

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China steps up new energy storage construction

China has been stepping up construction of new energy storage in recent years to build a new power system in the country amid its green energy transition, said authority.

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European carmakers call for more charging points

Car manufacturers say the European Union needs eight times more charging points than estimated by 2030 to match the rapid growth of electric vehicle sales in the bloc.

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Ministry opposed to U.S. infringing on sovereignty

Beijing urged Washington on Monday not to implement the negative China-related content in a foreign aid package that was recently signed into law by United States President Joe Biden, and it vowed to take resolute and strong measures "if the U.S. insists on going ahead with it".

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News updates from April 29: WeWork shuts out Neumann in agrees restructuring deal; German inflation ticks higher

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L’Occitane owner offers to take skincare group private at €6.5bn valuation

Billionaire Reinold Geiger’s deal would result in the company delisting from the Hong Kong stock exchange

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Tesla shares surge after Elon Musk secures deal with China’s Baidu

Shares in US electric-car maker soar 17% on autonomous driving prospects in world’s biggest auto market

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‘Watershed moment’ for Tesla as Elon Musk’s visit to China reaps quick reward

Deal to use mapping data from web search giant Baidu is a big step towards launching driver assistance tech in world’s biggest car market

Elon Musk’s visit to China has reportedly reaped immediate rewards with a deal for Tesla to use mapping data provided by web search company Baidu, a big step in introducing driver assistance technology in the world’s largest car market.

Musk made an unannounced visit to China over the weekend. The billionaire posted a picture of his meeting with the Chinese premier, Li Qiang, on X, the social network he took over in 2022.

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Carmakers need to be tech-savvy to get an edge in China’s EV market

In-car software is becoming a key differentiator

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‘Everything has changed’: foreign auto groups embrace local technology in China

Leading Japanese and Korean carmakers follow VW with moves to match domestic rivals

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Hong Kong rallies close to bull market territory

Hang Seng set for strongest April performance among major stock indices

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Huawei-Seres car crash sparks safety argument

An AITO M7 Plus running at 115 kph crashed into a water truck on a highway fast lane last Friday in Yuncheng, Shanxi Province, claiming three lives.

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The parcel war is about to begin

Controversial things come in low-value packages

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China emphasizes importance of collaboration in barley resources

China has abundant germ plasm resources that are crucial for breeding better-performing varieties of barley, a crop widely used in animal feeding, the malting industry and human diet.

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Yen hits a new 34-year low against dollar before rebounding

In the foreign exchange market on Monday, the yen briefly fell below the 160-yen mark against the dollar, marking its lowest level in about 34 years since 1990.

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China's concerns over Japanese export restrictions

China voiced grave concerns regarding Japan's proposed export restrictions on specific items within the semiconductor sector and other areas, according to an online statement released by the Ministry of Commerce on Monday.

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EU would need 50% tariffs to curb imports of Chinese electric cars

Report says punitive action being mooted in Brussels would not be enough to deter carmakers

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Exhibition celebrates 60 years of diplomatic ties between China and France

Central to the exhibition is the symbolic representation of French elegance and Chinese style through beauty products and ceramics, which have historically played pivotal roles in facilitating cultural and economic exchanges between China and France.

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Baidu ranks first in nation in AI patent applications

Chinese tech giant Baidu Inc ranked first in terms of artificial intelligence patent applications and authorizations across the nation, as the company remains steadfast in technological innovation to nurture new quality productive forces.

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In Numbers: China's online literature users exceed 500 million

The number of China's online literature users has surpassed 500 million as of 2023, according to a report released on Sunday.

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China's large civil UVA completes cargo flight test

China's homegrown large civil unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) Wing Loong-2 completed cargo flight testing on Sunday in Zigong, southwest China's Sichuan Province, providing a solution for low altitude logistics transportation.

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Canton Fair sees jump in foreign participation

The third phase of the 135th China Import and Export Fair — widely known as the Canton Fair — is scheduled to open on Wednesday in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, further building upon the significant increase of overseas buyers in the last two phases.

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China, Mongolia prepare to conduct joint army training

China and Mongolia will conduct a joint army training as part of the annual cooperation plan between the two armies and mutual consensus, the Ministry of National Defense announced on Monday.

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Second 'Lancang-Mekong Impression' Short Video Contest officially launched

Same River, Shared Future. The "Lancang-Mekong Impression" Short Video Contest, organized by China News Service (CNS) to celebrate the eighth anniversary of Lancang-Mekong Cooperation, was officially launched on April 24.

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Xi to pay state visits to France, Serbia, Hungary from May 5 to 10

Chinese President Xi Jinping will pay state visits to France, Serbia and Hungary from May 5 to 10, foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying announced on Monday.

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Air China signs deal to buy 100 C919 aircraft for $11 bln

Air China announced on Friday night to purchase 100 C919 aircraft from Commercial Aircraft Corp of China (COMAC), the plane manufacturer.

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Extreme weather in Guangzhou kills five and brings destruction to China’s industrial heartland

At least 33 people were left injured and factories damaged after a tornado in the capital of Guangdong province

At least five people were killed and 33 injured after a tornado struck the Chinese city of Guangzhou over the weekend, state media reported, in the latest bout of extreme weather to hit the country’s industrial heartland.

China’s official Xinhua news agency said that the tornado hit the Guangdong province capital, in the country’s south on Saturday. About 140 factories were damaged, but there were no reports of collapsed houses.

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Musk's Beijing visit seeks Tesla FSD approval

Elon Musk visited Beijing on Sunday afternoon at the invitation of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade.

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Giant pandas Jin Xi and Zhu Yu depart for Spain

Giant pandas Jin Xi and Zhu Yu took off from Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport on a special flight to Spain this morning.

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CSSC announces historic deal with QatarEnergy

On Monday, China State Shipbuilding Corp, the world's largest shipbuilder, received what it calls the world's largest single order of ships from energy industry giant QatarEnergy.

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Cash is king — for now: China signals it will slow transition to cashless society

With tourists struggling to access the two primary digital payment apps, Alipay and WeChat pay, Beijing has put measures in place to make cash payments easier

For 18 years, Liu Yau-li has been bringing tourists to China. In that time she’s seen the full evolution of China’s digital payment system. Twenty years ago, she says, everyone used cash. But today it’s not unusual to find places that can’t or won’t accept cash at all, particularly after the pandemic when much of the world grew wary of handling shared items.

If visitors want to enjoy convenient travel, she says, they’re better off downloading one of the major payment apps and hoping it works for them.

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China's Shenzhou-17 astronauts to return to earth on April 30

The three astronauts of the Shenzhen-17, Tang Hongbo, Tang Shengjie and Jiang Xinlin, will return to the Dongfeng landing site in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on April 30. The landing site and all participating systems are making final preparations to welcome the astronauts back.

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Zangke River bridge successfully connected in Guizhou

The construction site of Zangke River bridge on Nayong-Qinglong Expressway in southwest China's Guizhou Province, April 28, 2024. With a length of 1,849 meters and a span of 1,080 meters, the bridge was successfully connected on Sunday.

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Themed show showcases costumes unearthed from archaeological sites in Beijing

Restorations of sixteen cultural relics including clothing, furniture and ancient wares were displayed during the show on Sunday.

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138-year-old pear tree in full blossom in NE China

A 138-year-old pear tree blossoms, attracting many tourists in Harbin, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, April 28, 2024.

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Chinese, European new energy vehicle industry wants to accelerate cooperation

Chinese and European new energy vehicle businesses seek to boost cooperation despite an anti-subsidy investigation launched by the European Commission into electric vehicles made in China.

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China tests new rocket engine, achieving biggest thrust power

China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp conducted on Sunday a major test on a new type of rocket engine, creating the biggest thrust power ever recorded in tests of any Chinese liquid-propellant engines.

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Chinese art sales surge among U.S. collectors

The popularity of Chinese art is surging among the United States' and Asian collectors who value modern and ancient paintings, drawings, artifacts and objects, Christie's New York auction house says.

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Washington human rights report condemned

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea, or DPRK, on Saturday denounced a human rights report by the United States as "malignant slander" against the country.

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Tory MP says he was deported from Djibouti due to criticisms of China

Tim Loughton had sanctions imposed on him in 2021 by Beijing, which has close ties to east African country

A former government minister who has had sanctions imposed on him by China has said he was detained and deported by Djibouti as a “direct consequence” of the east African country’s close ties with Beijing.

Tim Loughton, the Conservative MP for East Worthing and Shoreham since 1997, said he was held for more than seven hours at the airport earlier this month, barred entry to Djibouti, and told he was being removed on the next available flight.

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Guangzhou counts cost of tornado that killed 5, injured 33

At least five people were killed and 33 injured when a strong tornado struck Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong province, on Saturday, with residents warned to be on the alert for potential strong wind gusts and torrential rain in the coming days.

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China completes largest thrust liquid engine's ignition test

A 130-ton pump rear swing liquid oxygen kerosene engine has completed the largest thrust and most complex ignition test in the history of China's liquid power development on Sunday, with a total thrust of over 500 tons.

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China lodges solemn representations over Japan's provocative 'inspection' near Diaoyu Dao

According to media reports, the Japanese lawmakers trespassed into the waters near the Diaoyu Dao, also known as Diaoyu Islands, for the marine "inspection" on Friday, and they claimed they should land on the islands for investigations.

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China unveils new measures to facilitate opening-up, international exchanges

China's National Immigration Administration (NIA) has unveiled an array of new measures on Sunday that bring more conveniences to the entry and exit management of the public and businesses.

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Chinese mainland announces cross-Strait tourism measures

New measures regarding the resumption of cross-Strait tourism were announced by the Chinese mainland on Sunday, along with approval for shipments of Wendan pomelos from Taiwan to the mainland.

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Concerns for China's economic trajectory despite green shoots

Recent economic indicators have raised concerns over the trajectory of the Chinese economy despite some green shoots, as persistent challenges stemming from inadequate demand and property market issues cast a shadow over growth prospects, according to economists.

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Sources: Tesla in talks with China to remove restrictions on its EVs

Automobile company Tesla has been in negotiation with the Chinese authorities about the lifting of all restrictions on moving and parking in some sensitive areas in the country, as its electric vehicles, or EVs, passed an authoritative national data inspection in China on Sunday

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Premier, Musk call for deepening cooperation

Tesla's success in China has demonstrated that equal cooperation and mutual benefits conform to the fundamental interests of China and the United States, Premier Li Qiang said in a meeting on Sunday with Elon Musk, CEO of the U.S. electric car maker.

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Xi charts path for landmark trade corridor

President Xi Jinping has spelled out a new vision for the opening-up of China's western region, with the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor expected to continue spearheading efforts to boost trade and logistics links between the region and global markets.

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Xi calls on Chongqing to write its chapter in Chinese modernization

China has rolled out several policies to facilitate the diagnosis of pneumoconiosis patients and bolster supportive policies for them, a health official reported on Thursday.  Pneumoconiosis is a lung-damaging condition caused by longtime inhaling of dust.

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Tesla chief Musk meets China’s premier in Beijing

Billionaire arrives in world’s largest car market as he makes push on ‘robotaxis’ in bid to revive fortunes

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Elon Musk makes unannounced visit to China

Tesla boss reportedly meets Premier Li Qiang in visit aimed at sealing rollout of Autopilot software and transferring data overseas

The Tesla CEO, Elon Musk, arrived on an unannounced visit to Beijing on Sunday where he is expected to meet senior officials to discuss the rollout of full self-driving software and permission to transfer data overseas, according to a person with knowledge of the matter.

Chinese state media reported that he held talks with the country’s premier, Li Qiang, during which Li told Musk that Tesla’s development in China could be seen as a successful example of US-China economic and trade cooperation.

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Biden adviser backs bill to counter China in Latin America

Chris Dodd sees chance Congress could pass legislation this year with bipartisan support

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CCIA releases report 'U.S. threats and sabotage to security and development of global cyberspace'

The China Cybersecurity Industry Alliance released a report entitled "U.S. Threats and Sabotage to the Security and Development of Global Cyberspace" on Sunday.

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China factory profits slip as overcapacity troubles economic recovery

US and EU have raised alarms about Beijing’s plans to use manufacturing to boost lagging growth

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Multiple Chinese companies report worsening EU business environment

About 33 percent of Chinese companies surveyed reported a deterioration in the business environment within the European Union in 2023, according to a report released by China's top foreign trade and investment promotion agency on Sunday.

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Asia's first FPSO facility delivered in E China

China's self developed cylindrical floating, production, storage and offloading (FPSO) facility, Haikui 1, was delivered in Qingdao, east China's Shandong Province on Friday, marking a major breakthrough in the country's deepwater oil and gas equipment development.

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Chinese regulators warn against SVB-style meltdown

Regional banks have been piling into long-dated sovereign bonds since January

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Immigration authorities extend Chinese mainland residents' business travel in Hong Kong, Macao to 14 days

China's immigration authorities announced that, starting from May 6, Chinese mainland residents who travel to Hong Kong and Macao on business trips will be able to stay for up to 14 days per visit, a significant increase from the previous limit of seven days.

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Over 70% of foreign-invested companies optimistic of Chinese market opportunities

More than 70 percent of surveyed foreign-invested companies in China are optimistic of the growth in Chinese market in the coming five years, up 3.8 percentage points from the previous survey.

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Chinese mainland to resume grapefruit import from Taiwan island

The General Administration of Customs (GAC) will approve the import of grapefruit and other agricultural and fishery products from the island of Taiwan that meet the quarantine requirements of the Chinese mainland, an official of GAC said on Sunday.

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Shanghai ±500 kV Nanqiao Converter Station completes first comprehensive examination of its 'Chinese Heart'

Recently, the State Grid Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company (SMEPC) has successfully completed its annual maintenance work for the ±500kV Nanqiao converter station.

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China's Chang'e-6 lunar probe ready to launch

The Chang'e-6 lunar probe is scheduled for launch at an appropriate time at the beginning of May. The functional checks, the joint test work and the propellant filling will be carried out before the launch.

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International Horticultural Exhibition 2024 Chengdu opens to visitors

The International Horticultural Exhibition 2024 Chengdu opened on Friday.

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Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge receives over 10 mln vehicles

The Zhuhai port of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge handled 19,570 vehicles on Saturday.

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Olympic flame handover ceremony marks transition from Greece to Paris 2024

The ceremony marks the culmination of an 11-day Olympic Torch Relay across Greece and begins an epic three-month torch relay and countdown to the Opening Ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

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(W.E. Talk) Translation and Other Approaches to Promote Cultural Exchange

Martin Woesler has translated several major Chinese authors' work into German. They range from Lu Xun, Zhu Ziqing, Ba Jin, Qian Zhongshu, Wang Meng and Jia Pingwa to Han Han. Here, he talks about the importance of contemporary Chinese literature in understanding China.

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New steps to boost cross-Strait tourism

The Chinese mainland announces new tourism measures across the Taiwan Strait, with Fujian residents' tours to Matsu resuming first.

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Tornado kills five people, injures 33 in Guangzhou

At least five people were killed and 33 others injured when a tornado struck Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong province, on Saturday.

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Chinese company unveils humanoid running robot with large-scale commercial potential

Tiangong, a humanoid robot described as the world's first full-sized humanoid robot capable of running solely on electric drive, was unveiled in the Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area on Saturday.

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China boosts 6G progress by accelerating R&D for key technologies

Chinese officials and scholars vowed to promote the development and commercialization of 6G technology, with the nation's telecommunication achievements providing strong foundations.

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China's industrial firms see smaller gains in profits in Q1

Profits at China's industrial firms posted smaller gains for the first quarter compared with the first two months of the year, official data showed on Saturday.

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Chinese jets fly sorties over Taiwan strait in show of force as US delegation departs

End of secretary of state Antony Blinken’s three-day visit marks upsurge in military activity after period of relative calm

Taiwan has reported that a dozen Chinese warplanes flew sorties close to the island on Saturday, in a sudden surge of military activity just hours after the US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, left Beijing following talks with President Xi Jinping and top Chinese officials.

Before Blinken’s three-day visit to China, US officials had pointed to a period of relative calm in the Taiwan strait over the past few months, after years of aggressive Chinese military manoeuvres and threats, as a factor in improving US-Chinese relations since Joe Biden held a summit meeting with Xi in November.

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The end of empire: revamped British Academy stakes claim for modern role in UK’s global mission

Rana Mitter, vice president for public engagement, keen to move on from colonial guilt and post-Brexit introspection

Britain’s most revered academic institutions ought to stop worrying about their outdated image, since they now offer the best route to global influence, according to British historian Professor Rana Mitter. The renowned China expert, now based at Harvard’s Kennedy School, told the Observer that educational prestige is an increasingly important tool for tackling challenges to trust and fresh threats to the world order – and he wants a newly revamped British Academy in London, where he is vice-president for public engagement, to play a key role.

“Outside our concerns with Brexit and decolonisation, the wider world has moved on and it still wants Britain to play a big part.

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Hong Kong stock exchange fights to regain investors’ faith

New team faces steep challenge as high-profile listings sink

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Hungary opens up to Chinese tech despite protests

Hungary is attempting to be a world power in manufacturing electric vehicle batteries, despite locals' reservations.

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BHP’s move for Anglo signals fierce battle for resources vital to green transition

Also in this newsletter: US inflation higher than expected, panic on Wall Street, science round-up

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US has seen evidence of attempts by China to influence election, says Blinken

Secretary of state met Xi Jinping in Beijing and warned of sanctions over China’s support for Russian arms industry

Washington has seen evidence of attempts by Beijing to “influence and arguably interfere” in this year’s US elections, the secretary of state has said during a trip to China, also warning that Chinese companies face new sanctions if they do not stop supplying material and equipment to the Russian arms industry.

Antony Blinken told CNN that he had reiterated Joe Biden’s message to Xi Jinping not to interfere in November’s vote – a warning that reportedly received assurances from the Chinese president that he would not do so. Asked whether China was keeping to its promise, Blinken said: “We have seen, generally speaking, evidence of attempts to influence, and arguably interfere, and we want to make sure that that’s cut off as quickly as possible.

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Blinken says China helping fuel Russian threat to Ukraine

The US Secretary of State was speaking to the BBC at the end of a three-day trip to China.

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Xi tells Blinken US should avoid ‘vicious competition’ with China

Secretary of state’s trip to Beijing comes as tensions remain over Taiwan, war in Ukraine and tech export controls

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Tesla among electric carmakers forced to cut prices as market stalls

EV sales have plateaued across the world but the newfound glut of vehicles may just be temporary

Elon Musk became the world’s richest man by evangelising about electric cars – and delivering them by the million. Yet in recent months his company, Tesla, has struggled to maintain its momentum: sales have dropped this year, and so has its share price.

Those struggles have become emblematic of a broader reckoning facing the electric vehicle (EV) industry. After the soaring demand and valuations of the coronavirus pandemic years, the pace of sales growth has slowed. The industry has entered a new phase, with questions over whether the switch from petrol and diesel to cleaner electric is facing a troublesome stall or a temporary speed bump.

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TikTok will not be sold, Chinese parent tells US

The video sharing app faces being banned in the US unless it severs ties with its China's ByteDance.

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Pandabuy: police raid ‘20 football stadiums’ worth of alleged fake goods warehouses

Arrests as Chinese authorities working with UK police and international trademark agencies seize millions of parcels bound for customers worldwide

Chinese authorities have targeted a major online sales platform accused of supplying counterfeit goods, raiding warehouses holding millions of packages destined for overseas buyers.

Earlier this month police raided the Hangzhou office and several warehouses of Pandabuy after reported legal action by 16 brands over copyright infringement. More than 200 public security branch officers, 50 private sector investigators and local police were involved, according to reports.

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The mysterious disappearance of a Chinese academic

What became of famed Uyghur academic Rahile Dawut?

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US wants allies to cut chip-related China exports amid Huawei alarm

Washington urges Japan, South Korea and the Netherlands to tighten supply of tools and technology

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Bristol Myers Squibb drafts contingency plans for US restrictions on Chinese pharma

Biosecure Act would prohibit American companies receiving federal grant money from working with some Chinese groups

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How TikTok’s Chinese owner tightened its grip on the app

Insiders say ByteDance exerting increasing influence over platform despite US pressure over ownership

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Blinken arrives in China as relations crackle with tension

Blinken's trip is a sign of improved US-China ties, but the two still view each other with suspicion.

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Congress passed a TikTok bill. Will the US really ban the app?

A bill passed by Congress and signed by Biden requires owner ByteDance to sell or face a US ban – it’s its biggest threat yet

The House of Representatives passed a bill that would require TikTok owner ByteDance to sell the social media platform or face a total ban in the United States. The Senate passed it less than a week later. Joe Biden signed it a day after the Senate voted yes.

TikTok is facing its biggest existential threat yet in the US. The app was banned in Montana last year, but courts found that prohibition unconstitutional, and it never went into effect.

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Why is US threatening to ban TikTok and will other countries follow suit?

Joe Biden signs into law bill requiring Chinese owner to sell app’s US operations

Joe Biden has signed into law a bill that requires TikTok’s Chinese owner to sell the social media app’s US operations or face a ban, after the Senate passed the legislation.

The law, part of a foreign aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, sets the clock ticking on a potential ban for a platform that is hugely popular in the US.

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AfD politician to run in European elections despite aide’s alleged spying for China

Maximilian Krah will remain German far-right party’s top choice despite accusations against Jian Guo

A far-right German politician has said he will continue to run for the upcoming European parliamentary elections despite allegations that his adviser was spying for the Chinese government.

Maximilian Krah, who is the lead contender for the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party, told journalists in Berlin: “I am and will remain the main candidate” after an emergency meeting with party bosses on Wednesday morning after the allegations came to light.

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China warns US after Senate passes aid bill worth billions to Taiwan – video

Beijing has warned Washington to stop arming Taiwan after the US Senate approved a bill that includes $8bn for countering China’s actions threatening America's allies in the Indo-Pacific region. The package covers a wide range of parts and services aimed at maintaining and upgrading Taiwan’s military hardware and is meant to counter the threat of invasion by China, which claims the island as its own territory. Separately, Taiwan has signed billions in contracts with the US for the latest-generation F-16V fighter jets, M1 Abrams tanks and Himars rocket systems, which Washington has also supplied to Ukraine

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UK ‘helping Russia pay for its war on Ukraine’ via loophole on refined oil imports

£2.2bn-worth of oil processed in China, India and Turkey – to whom Russia supplies crude – was imported in 2023, data shows

The UK has been accused of “helping Russia pay for its war on Ukraine” by continuing to import record amounts of refined oil from countries processing Kremlin fossil fuels.

Government data analysed by the environmental news site Desmog shows that imports of refined oil from India, China and Turkey amounted to £2.2bn in 2023, the same record value as the previous year, up from £434.2m in 2021.

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Antony Blinken arrives in China with warning for Beijing over support of Russia

US secretary of state to hold talks with Chinese counterpart and most likely with President Xi Jinping

Antony Blinken has landed in China amid a worsening rift between the world’s two most powerful countries that threatens to overshadow otherwise improving relations.

The US secretary of state arrives with a warning that the US and its European allies are no longer prepared to tolerate China’s sale of weapon components and dual-use products to Russia, which are helping Vladimir Putin rebuild and modernise his arms factories, enabling him to intensify his onslaught on Ukraine.

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TechScape: No WhatsApp in China, no TikTok in the US, and the return of Llama

In this week’s newsletter: While Apple removed the platform from App Stores without a squeak of public protest, its battle with the EU rages on. Plus, how a ban in the US could change TikTok everywhere

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Another day, another set of troubles for Apple’s App Store. This time, the company had bowed to orders from the Chinese state to remove WhatsApp and Threads, two of the last Meta apps still available in the country.

From our story:

Apple confirmed it had withdrawn the two apps – both owned by Meta, also the owner of Facebook – under instruction from the Cyberspace Administration of China, which regulates and censors China’s highly restricted internet and online content.

“The Cyberspace Administration of China ordered the removal of these apps from the China storefront based on their national security concerns,” Apple said in an emailed statement to Reuters. “We are obligated to follow the laws in the countries where we operate, even when we disagree.”

The House of Representatives voted 360 to 58 on the updated divest-or-ban [TikTok] bill that could lead to the first time ever that the US government has passed a law to shut down an entire social media platform.

The Senate is expected to vote on the bill next week and Joe Biden has said he will sign the legislation.

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AfD politician’s aide arrested on suspicion of spying for China

Man worked as assistant to Maximilian Krah, top candidate in European parliament elections, say prosecutors

A close adviser to a leading member of Germany’s far-right populist Alternative für Deutschland party (AfD) has been arrested on suspicion on spying for China in the latest high-profile espionage case to have come to light.

The man, identified by prosecutors as Jian G, was accused of “an especially severe instance” of espionage, prosecutors said, following his arrest in the early hours of Tuesday morning. It comes after the arrests of three German citizens accused of industrial spying for China in return for payment.

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Taiwan debates removing 760 statues of Chinese dictator Chiang Kai-shek

In move seen by the opposition as an attempt to de-sinocise Taiwan, the ruling party is pushing ahead with plans to rid the island of monuments to the dictator

Taiwan’s government has pledged to work faster in response to calls to remove almost 800 statues of Chiang Kai-shek, the Chinese military dictator who ruled the island for decades under martial law, but whose legacy remains a point of contentious debate.

In 2018 the government established a transitional justice committee to investigate the rule of the former generalissimo, who was president of the Republic of China (ROC) – in China and then in Taiwan – until his death in 1975. Among its recommendations was to remove the thousands of statues from public spaces.

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China floods: four killed in Guangdong sparking concerns over extreme weather defences

Heavy rainstorms in the densely populated Pearl River Delta have left large parts of Guangdong province underwater

Heavy rainstorms that swept across southern China over the weekend killed at least four people as floods swamped cities in the densely populated Pearl River Delta, state media reported.

A search was under way for 10 others missing after record-breaking rains sparked concerns about the region’s defences against bigger deluges induced by extreme weather events.

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Booing your own anthem - Hong Kong and a dilemma

Beijing's increasing influence has led to speculation that Hong Kong's days of an independent football scene are numbered.

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Why a deluge of Chinese-made drugs is hard to curb

Thousands of Chinese companies are making synthetic opioids and shipping them around the world.

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The West says China makes too much. Its workers disagree

Migrants are caught in China's manufacturing battles with the West, as Beijing tries to save its economy.

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China influencer's pages shut down over fake story

Thurman Maoyibei's accounts have vanished after it was found that she fabricated a viral video.

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Jiuzhaigou in SW China regains glory after years of post-quake reconstruction

This combo file photo shows a view of the Jiuzhaigou scenic area of southwest China's Sichuan Province before (above, photo taken in 2018) and after (photo taken in 2023) restoration.  Jiuzhaigou National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site famous for its spectacular waterfalls, lush forests and serene plateau lakes, was hit by a 7.0-magnitude quake on Aug.

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