There are a record 207 new cases of Covid-19 in the community today – and one new death.
今天社区中有创纪录的 207 例新的 Covid-19 病例,还有 1 例新的死亡病例。
Of today’s cases, 192 are in Auckland. Another seven are in Waikato, two in Northland, four in the Lakes district, and two in MidCentral.
在今天的病例中,有 192 例发生在奥克兰。 另外七例在怀卡托,两例在北地,四例在湖区,两个在中环。
According to a Ministry of Health statement, a woman in her 90s has died in North Shore Hospital. The woman had a number of underlying health conditions and had Covid-19.
根据卫生部的一份声明,一名 90 多岁的妇女在北岸医院死亡。 该妇女有许多潜在的健康状况,并患有 Covid-19。
The Ministry of Health’s daily update follows after confirmation of four new cases in Rotorua and Tararua this morning.
There are now confirmed community cases in several regions across the North Island – including Northland, Waikato, Rotorua, Taupō, Taranaki and Tararua district.
The two Lakes District cases were detected after a person sought care at Rotorua Hospital for a non-Covid-19 health matter and subsequently returned a positive test result.
两名湖区病例是在一名患者因非 Covid-19 健康问题在罗托鲁瓦医院寻求治疗后检测到的,随后检测结果呈阳性。
The person was not in contact with any other patients as they were placed in a room set aside for possible Covid-19 cases.
该人没有与任何其他患者接触,因为他们被安置在一个为可能的 Covid-19 病例预留的房间里。
The person was managed with infection prevention protocols. Two healthcare workers involved have also been tested and are now isolating.
该人通过感染预防协议进行管理。 两名涉案医护人员也接受了检测,目前正在隔离中。
The second case is a household contact of the first. Based on information there is a link to cases in Auckland.
第二种情况是第一种情况的家庭联系人。 根据信息,有一个指向奥克兰病例的链接。
Two cases have also been reported overnight in the Tararua district, covered by MidCentral DHB.
Both cases reported feeling unwell on November 12, sought prompt testing and are now self-isolating at home.
这两个病例都在 11 月 12 日报告感到不适,寻求及时检测,现在在家中自我隔离。
The cases are linked and the Public Health Unit is investigating any links between these cases and other known cases.
Contact tracing is underway for all four of these cases and locations of interest will be added to the Ministry of Health’s website.
This brings the total number of Covid-19 cases in the Deta-outbreak to 3410.
这使 Deta 爆发中的 Covid-19 病例总数达到 3410。
On Saturday, the ministry recorded 175 cases in the Delta outbreak, 159 of which were in Auckland, eight in Waikato, five in Taranaki, two in Northland and one in Taupō.
周六,卫生部记录了Delta爆发的 175 例病例,其中奥克兰 159 例,怀卡托 8 例,塔拉纳基 5 例,北地 2 例,陶波 1 例。
Of these cases, 108 are yet to be epidemiologically linked.
在这些病例中,有 108 例尚未与流行病学相关。
In addition to the 207 community cases, two new cases have been detected at the border, the ministry said.
该部表示,除了 207 例社区病例外,还在边境发现了两例新病例。
They include a person who arrived from Ukraine, with a stopover in Singapore, on November 9, and a person who arrived from Serbia and Montenegro on November 2.
其中包括一名于 11 月 9 日从乌克兰抵达并在新加坡中途停留的人,以及一名于 11 月 2 日从塞尔维亚和黑山抵达的人。
The Ukraine case was detected after day 0 testing and is in an MIQ facility in Christchurch.
乌克兰病例是在第 0 天检测后发现的,位于基督城的 MIQ 设施中。
The other case was confirmed after day 9 testing and is isolating at an MIQ facility in Auckland.
另一例在第 9 天测试后得到确认,正在奥克兰的 MIQ 设施中隔离。
In Auckland, 3972 people are isolating at home, including 1773 positive cases.
在奥克兰,有 3972 人在家隔离,其中包括 1773 例阳性病例。
There are now six cases total in the Lakes region, but one of the cases was not detected before the cutoff time and so will be officially reported in tomorrow’s numbers, health officials said.
卫生官员说,湖区现在共有 6 例病例,但其中一例在截止时间之前没有被发现,因此将在明天的数字中正式报告。
Anyone with Covid-19 related symptoms in Rotorua or Taupō has been encouraged to get a test.
鼓励在罗托鲁瓦或陶波出现 Covid-19 相关症状的任何人进行检测。
There are no new cases in Taranaki today, but testing continues in the region – with 600 carried out yesterday.
今天塔拉纳基没有新病例,但该地区仍在继续检测——昨天进行了 600 例检测。
In addition, a previous reported case was reclassified, bringing Saturday’s cases to 176.
此外,之前报告的一个病例被重新分类,使周六的病例达到 176 例。
A total of 93 cases were in hospital – up from 85 cases on Friday – all in Auckland.
共有 93 例住院病例——高于周五的 85 例——全部在奥克兰。
North Shore Hospital had 25 of the cases admitted, two at Waitākere, 30 at Middlemore and 36 at Auckland City Hospital. Nine cases were in intensive care units.
北岸医院收治了 25 例病例,其中 2 例在 Waitākere,30 例在 Middlemore,36 例在奥克兰市医院。 9例在重症监护室。
Of those in hospital, 50 are unvaccinated or not eligible to be vaccinated, 15 are fully vaccinated and 20 are partially vaccinated. The status of the remaining seven was not released by the ministry.
在住院者中,50 人未接种疫苗或不符合接种条件,15 人已完全接种疫苗,20 人已部分接种疫苗。 该部没有公布其余七人的身份。
Twelve police staff are self-isolating after coming into contact with two people who have tested positive for Covid-19 in Rotorua.
在罗托鲁瓦与两名 Covid-19 检测呈阳性的人接触后,12 名警察正在自我隔离。