(21日)(中英)新西兰今天新增 149 个社区病例,奥克兰138例,怀卡托6例,北地3例,丰盛湾1例, 坎特伯雷1例

新冠疫情 滚动新闻 澳纽资讯 编辑精选


There are 149 new Covid-19 community cases, and 12 district health boards have now passed the 90 per cent vaccination rate for first doses.


Auckland recorded 138 cases, Waikato six, Northland three and the Bay of Plenty and Canterbury one each.


The Hawke’s Bay DHB confirmed on Saturday evening a traveller from Auckland was isolating in Hawke’s Bay. The person, who was permitted to travel out of Auckland, tested positive after arriving in Hawke’s Bay.

Hawke’s Bay DHB周六晚上确认,奥克兰的旅行者在霍克湾隔离。 被允许在奥克兰旅行的人,抵达霍克湾之后病毒检测呈阳性。

While the DHB did not say in its statement when the person arrived or tested positive, Stuff understands they arrived on Wednesday and the DHB was not given prior notice the person was travelling there.


On Saturday, there were 172 new community cases of Covid-19 in six New Zealand regions.


Of those infections, 148 were in Auckland, 12 in Waikato, four in Northland, four in the Lakes District Health Board (DHB) area, three in the Bay of Plenty, and one in Wellington, the Ministry of Health said on Saturday afternoon.

卫生部周六下午表示, 其中148例在奥克兰,12例在Waikato,北岛4例,湖区卫生委员会(DHB)地区4例,在惠灵顿湾3例。



There are 138 new cases to report in Auckland, as of 1pm on Sunday.


Fifteen community centres are available to provide testing across Auckland, while testing centres at Northcote, Balmoral, Pukekohe and Wiri continue to operate extended hours to increase access to testing.


In the last seven days there have been 113,599 community tests for Covid-19 received at labs across Auckland, the ministry reported.

该部报告,在过去的七天里,在奥克兰实验室Covid-19 社区有113,59次检测。

People in Auckland with symptoms, no matter how mild, are urged to get tested – even if they are vaccinated – and remain isolated until they return a negative result.

奥克兰的人有症状,无论多么温和,都被敦促去做检测- 即使他们是接种过疫苗的 – 并保持隔离,直到他们返回阴性结果。

Public health staff are now supporting 5659 people to isolate at home around Auckland – this includes 2580 cases.

公共卫生工作人员现在支持5659人在奥克兰进行家庭隔离 – 这包括2580个病例。

Hawke’s Bay


The Hawke’s Bay District Health Board (DHB) confirmed on Saturday evening a traveller from Auckland was isolating the area. The person, who was permitted to travel out of Auckland, tested positive after arriving in Hawke’s Bay.


The ministry said on Sunday that the case was included in previous case numbers as their test was taken in Auckland prior to them leaving and their result was returned after they had left Auckland.


They said the person was relocating from Auckland and was advised to isolate in Hawke’s Bay after the positive result was returned.


“Local public health staff report the case is currently isolating safely and remains well,” the ministry statement read.


Results of testing of contacts that have been returned to date are negative and further results are pending, it said.


So far, any exposures identified have been assessed as limited and any contacts have been contacted directly.


Covid-19 testing and vaccination site locatio事件ns are available on Hawke’s Bay DHB’s website.

Covid-19检测和疫苗接种位点位于Hawke’s Bay DHB的网站上提供。



There were no further cases announced for the Wellington region on Sunday.


There is currently only one location of interest identified – Countdown Cable Car Lane in central Wellington, listed on the ministry’s website.

目前只有一个暴露关注地点 – 富灵顿中部Countdown 缆车车道,列在卫生部门的网站上。

Bay of Plenty


There is one new case being reported in the Bay of Plenty on Sunday. This case is in Tauranga and is a contact of a known cluster.

周日在丰盛湾报道了一个新病例。 这种病例是在陶朗加,是已知群集的接触者。

Case interviews continue to identify new locations of interest which are being added regularly to the ministry’s website.


Lakes DHB


There is one new case in the Lakes DHB area on Sunday. The case was in Rotorua and is a close contact of a known case.

星期天湖区DHB地区有一个新病例。 这个病例在罗托鲁瓦,并且是已知病例的密切接触者。

Anyone with Covid-19 related symptoms in the region is encouraged to get tested – even if the symptoms are mild – with testing available in Rotorua and Taupō on Sunday.

鼓励任何有Covid-19相关症状的人去进行检测 – 即使症状很温和 – 星期天在罗托鲁瓦和Taupō都可以检测。

As of Saturday, 333 tests were carried out across the region.




There are six new cases reported in Waikato on Sunday. Four were known contacts, and public health staff will investigate the remaining two cases.

星期天怀卡托报告了六个新病例在。 四个是已知的接触者,公共卫生工作人员将调查剩下的两个病例。

Three of the cases were from Hamilton, one from Huntly, and two have been classified as being from Te Kauwhata, with a further investigation pending to confirm this location, the ministry said.

该部门说,其中三个病例来自汉密尔顿,其中一个在Huntly,两个被归类为来自Te Kauwhata。还在进一步调查,以确认这个地点。



There are two new cases being reported in Whangārei, Northland on Sunday.


These were reported after the 9am cut-off and will be added to the ministry’s tally on Monday.


Both people are close contacts of existing cases and were already in isolation.


Across the region, there were 527 swabs taken and 646 vaccinations given as of Saturday.


Testing and vaccination clinics open on Sunday can be found on the Northland DHB website.

在Northland DHB网站上可以找到在周日进行检测和疫苗接种诊所。



The ministry reported an initial weak positive result in Christchurch on Sunday.


Health experts are continuing to investigate the case which will include a repeat swab being taken with the results expected to be reported on Monday.


The case recently travelled to the North Island and is linked to another case in the Lower North Island, the ministry reported.


Testing locations throughout Canterbury can be found on the Canterbury DHB website.


The ministry continues to ask people in Canterbury to regularly check for locations of interest.




(20日)(中英)新西兰今天新增 172 个社区病例,奥克兰148例,怀卡托12例,北地4例,丰盛湾3例, 湖区4例,首都惠灵顿1例