world news

(9月30日)(滚动更新) 世界新闻 – English/Chinese 英中简报

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Everton 1-0 Leicester: Toffees beat Leicester with late own goal in WSL

An own goal by goalkeeper Kirstie Levell deep in stoppage time gives Everton victory over Leicester City in the Women’s Super League.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2022 | 8:47 am(NZT)

Uefa confirms it does not allow concussion subs after confusion over Beth Mead head injury

Uefa confirms it does not allow concussion substitutions following confusion over a head injury suffered by Beth Mead in Arsenal women’s game against Ajax.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2022 | 7:07 am(NZT)

Google to close Stadia cloud service and refund gamers

Stadia allows players to stream games online without owning a console.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2022 | 7:01 am(NZT)

Ukraine-Russia war: US army doctor and wife charged with Russia spying

The army major doctor and her wife, a civilian doctor, are charged over plans to leak health information.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2022 | 6:47 am(NZT)

Germany will borrow nearly $200 billion to cap consumers’ energy bills

The German government announced it plans to borrow €200 billion ($195 billion) to cap natural gas prices for households and businesses. That’s a bigger price tag than the £150 billion ($165 billion) the UK government is expected to borrow to finance its own price cap.

Source: – RSS Channel – World | 30 Sep 2022 | 6:44 am(NZT)



Tsitsi Dangarembga: Zimbabwe author convicted over placard protest

A court rules that Tsitsi Dangarembga incited violence by walking with a sign calling for reform.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2022 | 6:22 am(NZT)

Hurricane Ian devastates Fort Myers: ‘The worst storm surge I’ve ever seen’

The BBC’s John Sudworth talks to residents who survived a direct hit from Hurricane Ian.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2022 | 6:20 am(NZT)

Queen’s cause of death given as ‘old age’ on death certificate

The time and cause of Elizabeth II’s death have been revealed by Scottish authorities.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2022 | 5:47 am(NZT)

Kamala Harris visits DMZ amid tension over North Korean missile launch

US Vice President Kamala Harris will visit the Demilitarized Zone that divides North and South Korea on Thursday — one day after Pyongyang fired two ballistic missiles into the waters off its east coast.

Source: – RSS Channel – World | 30 Sep 2022 | 5:16 am(NZT)

Young non-smokers told not to take up vaping by experts

But the findings do show that vaping is far safer than cigarettes, so smokers should switch.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2022 | 5:06 am(NZT)

PGA Tour launches LIV Golf lawsuit counterclaim

The PGA Tour launches a counterclaim lawsuit against the Saudi-backed LIV Golf series, saying it enticed players to breach contracts and help ‘sportswash’ the nation’s human rights record.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2022 | 5:03 am(NZT)

Antonio Conte it is ’embarrassing for everybody’ after fan threw banana at Richarlison

Tottenham boss Antonio Conte says that in 2022 it is “embarrassing for everybody” that a banana was thrown at Richarlison during a friendly between Brazil and Tunisia on Tuesday.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2022 | 5:03 am(NZT)

Ukraine war: Finland closes border to Russian tourists

It now means all of Russia’s European Union neighbours have shut their borders to its tourists.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2022 | 3:56 am(NZT)

Landmark Indian court ruling says rape includes marital rape and extends abortion rights to 24 weeks

Marital rape was defined as rape in a landmark decision by India’s Supreme Court on Thursday.

Source: – RSS Channel – World | 30 Sep 2022 | 3:52 am(NZT)

Singapore Grand Prix: Alex Albon return ‘audacious’ after medical emergency, says George Russell

Alex Albon’s return to Formula 1 in Singapore three weeks after a medical emergency is “audacious”, says Mercedes’ George Russell.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2022 | 3:45 am(NZT)


US defeats Russia in a battle to control the future of the global internet

The United States has soundly defeated Russia in an election to control a United Nations body responsible for shaping global internet development, a contest viewed as geopolitically symbolic amid wider US-Russia tensions and an answer to fears of growing censorship online by authoritarian regimes.

Source: – RSS Channel – World | 30 Sep 2022 | 3:42 am(NZT)

Hurricane Ian – Maps and images showing destruction

Visual guide to powerful Hurricane Ian, which has caused devastation in Cuba and Florida

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2022 | 3:31 am(NZT)

Tyson Fury calls on Anthony Joshua to sign fight contract by Thursday

Tyson Fury urges fellow British heavyweight Anthony Joshua to sign a contract for a world-title fight in December.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2022 | 3:30 am(NZT)

BBC World Service proposes 382 post closures as part of savings

The move is part of wider BBC savings, while “accelerating digital offering and increasing impact”.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2022 | 3:07 am(NZT)

Félicien Kabuga: Rwanda genocide suspect goes on trial at The Hague

Félicien Kabuga is accused of funding and arming militias during the ethnic slaughter in 1994.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2022 | 2:43 am(NZT)

Russia to formally annex four more areas of Ukraine

Russia is to press ahead with annexation days after conducting unrecognised referendums.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2022 | 2:18 am(NZT)

How Gangsta’s Paradise changed the course of hip-hop

In 1995, Coolio combined street-tough lyrics with a pop sensibility – and rap would never be the same.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2022 | 1:41 am(NZT)

Nord Stream: Sweden finds new leak in Russian gas pipeline

The EU says the leaks are caused by sabotage and promises the “strongest possible response”.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2022 | 1:07 am(NZT)

Paramore: We needed a break to find our identity

Frontwoman Hayley Williams talks about returning to the stage and teases plans for a 2023 UK tour.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2022 | 1:00 am(NZT)

Mystery leaks hit Russian undersea gas pipelines to Europe

European countries on Tuesday raced to investigate unexplained leaks in two Russian gas pipelines running under the Baltic Sea near Sweden and Denmark, infrastructure at the heart of an energy crisis since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Source: – RSS Channel – World | 28 Sep 2022 | 7:07 pm(NZT)



2022-09-30 02:25:14
科技日报北京9月29日电 (实习记者张佳欣)据发表在最新一期《自然·天文学》杂志上的论文,一个国际研究小组利用雷达以外的数据提供了首个独立的证据,证明火星南极冰盖下存在液态水。
2022-09-30 01:28:00
2022-09-30 01:27:45
新华社纽约9月29日电 记者手记:南美移民成美国政客“掌上玩物”
2022-09-30 01:26:57
最新动态:乌方否认扎波罗热核电站动力机组起火 俄军打击乌军多个目标
新华社北京9月29日电 综合新华社驻外记者报道:乌克兰国家核电公司29日发文,否认扎波罗热核电站动力机组起火。俄罗斯国防部发言人科纳申科夫29日说,过去一天,俄军打击了乌克兰军队的6个指挥所、87个炮兵阵地以及198个人员和军事装备集中区。
2022-09-30 01:26:27
新华社日内瓦9月29日电 联合国人权理事会第51届会议29日举行与土著人权利问题特别报告员对话会。中国常驻联合国日内瓦办事处和瑞士其他国际组织代表陈旭大使代表观点相近国家作共同发言,强烈谴责侵犯土著人权利行径,敦促有关国家切实负起应有的责任,还土著人一个迟到的历史正义和公道。
2022-09-29 23:36:20
中新社首尔9月29日电 (记者 刘旭)韩国联合参谋本部当地时间29日说,朝鲜当天向半岛东部海域方向发射2枚短程弹道导弹。
2022-09-29 23:29:46
2022-09-29 23:25:15
2022-09-29 22:16:13
中新网9月29日电 据路透社报道,当地时间29日,北约对“北溪”天然气管道泄漏件发表声明称,该管道受到了“蓄意、鲁莽和不负责任的破坏”。
2022-09-29 22:12:19
当地时间9月29日,美国总统拜登宣布佛罗里达州面临重大灾害,并下令对受飓风“伊恩”影响的地区提供联邦援助。(央视记者 顾乡 徐德智)
2022-09-29 22:10:07
英国公布女王死亡证明 去世原因显示为高龄
中新网9月29日电 综合英媒29日消息,英国女王伊丽莎白二世的死亡证明显示,她于2022年9月8日15时10分去世,去世的原因显示为“高龄(Old Age)”。
2022-09-29 22:03:04
中新网9月29日电 据路透社29日报道,欧洲能源危机当前,如果停电或能源配给使移动网络瘫痪,今年冬天,欧洲各地的手机可能将无法正常使用。
2022-09-29 21:23:38
美国费城今年劫车案破千起创新高 警方:近年犯罪案激增令人不安
海外网9月29日电 据美国福克斯新闻网9月28日报道,近年来,美国费城汽车抢劫案数量持续攀升,今年更是已达到破纪录的1000多起。
2022-09-29 21:22:34
【世界说】美国深陷枪支暴力的恶性循环 美媒:更多女性和少数族裔为“自我保护”购枪
中国日报网9月28日电 美国每次发生大规模枪击事件后,枪支销量不减反增,社会陷入恶性循环,这令人难以想象。美国总统拜登6月签署一项“两党妥协版”控枪法案,但根本无济于事。据“枪支暴力档案”网站统计,这项法案生效后一个月内,各类涉枪暴力事件仍频繁发生。据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)当地时间9月27日报道,为了“自我保护”,美国有更多的女性和少数族裔购买枪支,生平第一次学习如何使用枪支,越来越多意想不到的人群购买枪支。
2022-09-29 20:43:11
中新网9月29日电 据乌通社报道,当地时间29日,乌总统办公室主任叶尔马克表示,俄罗斯与乌克兰再次交换俘虏。
2022-09-29 20:41:21
俄乌局势进展:乌总统与多方讨论当前局势 多国着手调查“北溪”管道泄漏事件
中新社北京9月29日电 综合消息:截至当地时间29日,瑞典和丹麦附近水域共发现四处“北溪”天然气管道泄漏点,俄罗斯、瑞典、丹麦等国已宣布着手调查相关事件。乌克兰总统泽连斯基当地时间28日分别与多国领导人以及联合国秘书长古特雷斯通电话,讨论粮食出口、对乌援助等问题。
2022-09-29 19:14:29
台风“奥鹿”造成泰国多地暴雨强风 已致1死2伤
中新社曼谷9月29日电 (记者 王国安)泰国内政部防灾减灾厅29日表示,台风“奥鹿”于28日晚登陆泰国,给泰国北部、东北部多地带来大到暴雨和强风,并造成1人死亡,2人受伤。
2022-09-29 19:13:51
中新社首尔9月29日电 (记者 刘旭)为纪念中韩建交30周年,推动两国在人工智能领域的产学研创新合作取得务实成效,“2022年中韩智能制造产学研合作发展论坛”当地时间29日在首尔、宁波两地以线上、线下相结合的形式举办。
2022-09-29 18:46:55
2022-09-29 18:44:29


(9月29日)(滚动更新) 世界新闻 – English/Chinese 英中简报