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这个国际对话会在杭州举行 与会代表聊人权→

  9日,中国外交部和联合国人权事务高级专员办公室共同主办的“经济、社会及文化权利国际对话会” 在浙江杭州举行,多个发展中国家的代表和联合国人权机构代表、非政府组织代表以及专家学者,聚焦如何增进国际合作,加强全球范围内经济、社会及文化权利的促进和保护,分享经验、探寻应对挑战的路径。

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  中新网兰州12月10日电 (记者 孙自法)工欲善其事,必先利其器。中国科学院院士赵红卫率领研发团队“十年磨一剑”,在中国科学院近代物理研究所研制建设的科研利器——“低能量强流高电荷态重离子研究装置”,近日顺利通过国家自然科学基金委员会组织的专家组验收,标志着中国研制成功国际首台低能量强流高电荷态重离子研究装置。

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台泥集团大陆营运总部竣工 AI技术重现辜振甫影像

  中新社杭州12月10日电 (郭其钰)台泥杭州公亮大楼项目10日在杭州举行竣工典礼,这也是台泥集团在大陆的营运总部。台泥集团董事长张安平称,台泥在大陆投资很大,集团里大陆员工最多,对大陆投资也会继续增加,理应设立总部提升营运效率。

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  中新社北京12月10日电 (记者 陈溯)记者10日从中国国家林业和草原局获悉,中国林业科学研究院首席科学家、三北工程研究院院长卢琦,荣获全球生态环保领域最高奖项——“地球卫士奖”,是首位获得该奖“科学与创新”类别的中国人。

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  中新网杭州12月10日电 (王潇婧)“截至目前,杭州全市共破获生态环境和生态资源方面的各类刑事案件235起,采取刑事强制措施489人,有力震慑了破坏生态安全犯罪,保护了杭州的绿水青山。”杭州市公安局党委委员、副局长张宏光介绍。

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  中新社台北12月10日电 (记者 路梅)“台湾2024代表字大选”10日在台北公布结果,“贪”在57个候选字中以最高票当选,成为台湾民众心目中对2024年的最突出印象。

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两岸中医探讨传承与创新 AI助力受关注

  中新社厦门12月10日电 (记者 李雪峰)作为2024两岸企业家峰会年会分论坛,中医药传承与创新专题论坛10日在福建厦门举行。其间,AI技术在中医药领域的创新应用成为与会者讨论重点。

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  中新网南宁12月10日电 (林浩)12月10日,广西党外知识分子联谊会第三次会员代表大会暨三届一次理事会在南宁召开。广西壮族自治区党委常委、统战部部长王心富出席会议并讲话。

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  中新社北京12月10日电 (记者 张素)记者从中国最高人民法院获悉,12月10日,河北省唐山市中级人民法院公开宣判中国光大集团股份公司原党委书记、董事长唐双宁贪污、受贿一案,对被告人唐双宁以贪污罪判处有期徒刑五年,并处罚金人民币二十万元,以受贿罪判处有期徒刑十年六个月,并处罚金人民币一百一十万元,决定执行有期徒刑十二年,并处罚金人民币一百三十万元;对唐双宁犯罪所得财物及孳息依法予以追缴,分别返还被害单位或者上缴国库。

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广西创新研发智慧高速新平台 上线“声音交警”“视频交警”

  中新网桂林12月10日电 (韦春凤)道路的实时图像、车流量、路况信息......近日,在招商公路桂林公司指挥调度中心,大屏幕上清晰展示“一路多方”协同指挥调度平台(以下简称:平台)各项数据和实时画面。

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  中新网12月10日电 据外交部网站消息,2024年12月9日,中国政府太平洋岛国事务特使钱波在惠灵顿同新西兰外交贸易部太平洋与发展事务副秘书长卡瓦纳举行第六次中新南太平洋事务磋商。双方就南太地区形势、各自对太平洋岛国政策及地区合作等议题坦诚、深入交换意见。

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  中新网12月10日电 据中央纪委国家监委网站消息,中国银行宁波市分行原党委书记、行长钱建忠涉嫌严重违纪违法,目前正接受中央纪委国家监委驻中国银行纪检监察组纪律审查和浙江省温州市监委监察调查。

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山西平遥:电力护航 古城换新颜

  中新网晋中12月10日电 题:山西平遥:电力护航 古城换新颜

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黑龙江共青团:3年募集款物1.06亿元 援建公益设施163个

  中新网哈尔滨12月10日电 (记者 姜辉)10日,由中共黑龙江省委宣传部、黑龙江省人民政府新闻办公室主办的“进一步全面深化改革推动高质量发展”系列主题新闻发布会在哈尔滨市举行。记者从会上获悉,2022年以来,黑龙江共青团累计募集款物1.06亿元,援建希望小学等公益设施163个,帮助近10万名“大眼睛”获得更好的教育和发展机会。

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支持青年人创新创业 黑龙江共青团这样做

  中新网哈尔滨12月10日电 (记者 姜辉)10日,在中共黑龙江省委宣传部、黑龙江省人民政府新闻办公室主办的新闻发布会上,记者获悉,在支持青年人创新创业方面,黑龙江共青团可以提供三个方面的帮助。

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吴英杰、张建春被“双开” 王波被开除党籍

  中新社北京12月10日电 中国官方10日宣布:十四届全国政协原常委、文化文史和学习委员会原主任吴英杰被开除党籍和公职,中央宣传部原副部长张建春被开除党籍和公职,内蒙古自治区人大常委会原党组副书记、副主任王波被开除党籍。

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判处有期徒刑12年 光大集团原董事长唐双宁贪污、受贿案一审宣判


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提升思政引领实效 浙江统一战线擦亮“之江同心”

  中新网宁波12月10日电 (王潇婧)12月9日,浙江全省“之江同心”品牌建设现场观摩学习活动在宁波市鄞州区召开。据悉,今年以来,浙江省各级统战部门围绕“之江同心”品牌提升工作总体部署,因地制宜、守正创新,一体谋划、一体推进,进行了许多有益探索。截至目前,该省省级层面探索推进13个“之江同心”品牌项目,打造市级特色品牌57个、县级特色品牌115个。

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浙江千年古镇擦亮“同心荟”品牌 凝聚“新”力量

  中新网绍兴12月10日电 题:浙江千年古镇擦亮“同心荟”品牌 凝聚“新”力量

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  中新社北京12月10日电 题:从“古丝路”到泰戈尔,中印文明对话如何启示当下?

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  中央纪委国家监委网站讯 经中共中央批准,中央纪委国家监委对内蒙古自治区人大常委会原党组副书记、副主任王波严重违纪违法问题进行了立案审查调查。

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  中新社乌鲁木齐12月10日电 题:“元和元年”锦囊如何见证古代中原与西域的交往交融史?

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  中央纪委国家监委网站讯 经中共中央批准,中央纪委国家监委对中央宣传部原副部长张建春严重违纪违法问题进行了立案审查调查。

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Nvidia shares fall as China launches antitrust investigation into company

Tech corporation suspected of violating anti-monopoly law after Washington’s latest curbs on Chinese chip sector

China said on Monday it had launched an investigation into Nvidia over suspected violations of the country’s anti-monopoly law, in a move widely seen as a retaliatory shot against Washington’s latest curbs on the Chinese chip sector.

The statement from the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) announcing the investigation did not elaborate on how the US company, known for its artificial intelligence (AI) and gaming chips, might have violated China’s anti-monopoly laws.

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Indonesia chases the return of ‘bonanza-era’ Chinese tourism

China’s economic malaise, however, means its people have been slower to join the global wave of post-pandemic ‘revenge travel’

In the laneways of Ubud, three older Chinese women are laughing as they take photos of a friend posing under a cascade of tropical flowers. They are retired friends from Nanjing, and were frequent travellers before the pandemic.

“Bali has good people and good scenery. It’s cold in Nanjing now, so it’s a good time to come here,” says Zhang Min*. “We’re going sailing tomorrow, climbing a volcano the day after, and snorkelling. I want to try everything.”

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MI5 forced to ‘pare back’ counter-terrorism work due to rogue states, says chief

Ken McCallum says service must make ‘uncomfortable choices’ as it faces more aggression from Russia, China and Iran

MI5 has had to “pare back” its counter-terrorism focus because of the growing threat from Russia and other hostile states, the security agency’s boss has said.

Ken McCallum, the director general of MI5, said the agency has to look at its “finite” resources and make “uncomfortable choices”.

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Canada boosting Arctic presence in face of Russian threats

New plans include more aircraft and drones to grow foothold as other powerful countries seek base in far north

Canada will boost its military and diplomatic presence in the Arctic to counter what it calls threats from Russia and others seeking a foothold in the far north, as part of a new doctrine unveiled on Friday.

The government envisions the deployment of new patrol ships and navy destroyers, ice breakers and submarines capable of operating beneath ice sheets, as well as more aircraft and drones.

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NBA to return to China with preseason games for first time since 2019 fallout

  • NBA returns to China with Nets-Suns preseason games
  • China hasn’t hosted games since Morey tweet in 2019

The NBA will stage two pre-season games in Macau next October, its deputy commissioner said on Friday, marking its return to China after being frozen out for more than five years.

No NBA games have been held in China since two pre-season contests in 2019 after a tweet from then-Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey supporting pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong.

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Chanel hits lavish new heights in efforts to reignite Chinese market

Livered barges carried guests to floating stage on illuminated lake at Hangzhou end-of-year show

Coco Chanel was an ambitious woman, but even she could not have imagined the scale on which the house she founded now operates. This time last year, four blocks of Manchester’s Northern Quarter became a Chanel catwalk. For its final show of 2024, Chanel built a black wooden catwalk spanning the West Lake in Hangzhou, China, to parade this season’s tweed suits with the kiss-curl roof of a pagoda sitting atop a crescent moon bridge over glassy water as a dramatic backdrop.

The 6,000-mile journey from Manchester to Hangzhou reflects the global expansion of Chanel, the second-largest luxury brand in the world. With global revenue reaching $19.7bn in 2023, a rise of 16% on the previous year, Chanel is closing the gap on leaders Louis Vuitton.

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A new nuclear arms race is beginning. It will be far more dangerous than the last one – podcast

With Putin’s threats in Ukraine, China’s accelerated weapons programme and the US’s desire for superiority, what will it take for leaders to step back from the brink? By Jessica T Mathews

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Paraguay kicks out Chinese envoy after he urges country to cut ties with Taiwan

Officials declare Xu Wei persona non grata after he asks Paraguay government to choose China over longtime ally

Paraguay has expelled a Chinese envoy for allegedly interfering in its domestic affairs and urging the South American nation to break off ties with Taiwan.

In a curt statement on Thursday, Paraguay’s foreign ministry said it had revoked the visa of Xu Wei, a senior Chinese envoy to Latin America who was in Paraguay for an annual Unesco meeting, declaring him persona non grata “over interference in internal affairs”. The Chinese diplomat was given 24 hours to leave the country.

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Many Americans’ cellphone data being hacked by China, official says

Cyber-espionage group ‘Salt Typhoon’ targeting ‘at least’ eight US telecom and telecom infrastructure firms

A large number of Americans’ metadata has been stolen in the sweeping cyber-espionage campaign carried out by a Chinese hacking group dubbed “Salt Typhoon”, a senior US official told journalists on Wednesday.

The official declined to provide specific figures but noted that China’s access to America’s telecommunications infrastructure was broad and that the hacking was ongoing.

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GM to write down value of China business by more than $5bn

Automaker is restructuring in China after losing about $350m in the region in the first three quarters of this year

General Motors told shareholders on Wednesday that it would write down the value of its China business by more than $5bn.

The company’s board of directors determined that the non-cash charges were necessary “in light of the finalization of a new business forecast and certain restructuring actions” with the joint venture, according to a company filing.

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If Trump’s tariffs start a trade war, it would be an economic disaster | Mark Weisbrot

The president-elect’s two main arguments for his tariff threat – to reduce migration and to combat drugs – are not credible

“To me, the most beautiful word in the dictionary is tariff, and it’s my favorite word,” said Donald Trump last month. Pundits, politicians and financial markets are trying to figure out why, since he announced a week ago that he would impose tariffs on the United States’s three biggest trading partners: 25% for Mexico and Canada, and 10% for China.

One theory is that tariffs can be a beautiful distraction. Trump, more than any previous US president, has fed on distractions for years, both to campaign and to govern. He can move seamlessly from one distraction to the next, like a magician preparing for the opportune moment to pull a coin from where it appears to have been hidden behind your ear.

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Top Chinese language novelist dies in apparent suicide

Chiung Yao's work has been adapted to movies and TV and launched the careers of big name stars.

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Filipino vessel 'sideswiped' by China Coast Guard

The incident happened near the disputed Scarborough Shoal and Beijing said it acted "in accordance with the law".

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Cathay Pacific apologises over inflight Family Guy episode with Tiananmen Square scene

Hong Kong carrier removes episode from entertainment system after social media complaint that it might breach national security laws

Hong Kong’s flagship airline, Cathay Pacific, has apologised over the inclusion of a Family Guy episode in its inflight entertainment system that features a scene depicting Tiananmen Square.

The airline told the South China Morning Post it had apologised to customers after a complaint was raised on social media that the episode might breach Hong Kong’s national security laws.

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China bans exports of key microchip elements to US as trade tensions escalate

Semiconductor restrictions on China announced by Washington a day earlier prompt retaliation involving critical minerals including gallium and germanium

The Chinese government has said it will ban exports to the US of some key components in making semiconductors, escalating trade tensions a day after Washington announced curbs targeting China’s ability to make advanced chips.

Among the materials banned from export were the metals gallium, antimony and germanium, China’s commerce ministry said in a statement that cited “national security” concerns.

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China’s share of global electric car market rises to 76%

Market share increases after strong demand within country offsets risks from western tariffs on Chinese-made EVs

China’s share of the global electric vehicle market reached 76% in October, the country’s automotive trade body said, reflecting strong demand for EVs in the country even as western tariffs risk hobbling exports.

Between January and October, sales of EVs reached 14.1m units, according to the China Passenger Car Association, with 69% of those sales in China. In October, China’s share surpassed three-quarters.

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Can the world’s trade police survive Trump II?

Relevance of World Trade Organization under scrutiny amid US president-elect’s protectionist stance

The sting of teargas was a price worth paying, said Michael Dolan, as he looks back on the Battle of Seattle and how the World Trade Organization’s attempt to break down the barriers to international trade was derailed by anti-globalisation protesters.

“The WTO has never recovered, it really hasn’t,” he said.

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Chip war ramps up with new US semiconductor restrictions on China

Biden administration broadens limits on Chinese access to advanced microchip technology, with Donald Trump expected to go even further

The US has announced new export restrictions targeting China’s ability to make advanced semiconductors, drawing swift condemnation from Beijing.

Washington is expanding efforts to curb exports of state-of-the-art chips to China that can be used in advanced weapons systems and in artificial intelligence.

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UK underestimates threat of cyber-attacks from hostile states and gangs, says security chief

New head of National Cyber Security Centre to warn of risk to infrastructure in first major speech

The UK is underestimating the severity of the online threat it faces from hostile states and criminal gangs, the country’s cybersecurity chief will warn.

Richard Horne, the head of GCHQ’s National Cyber Security Centre, will cite a trebling of “severe” incidents amid Russian “aggression and recklessness” and China’s “highly sophisticated” digital operations.

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Neon cities, cyber nightmares and yum cha: Cao Fei, the visionary artist charting China’s past and future

For her first major solo show in Australia, the Guangzhou-born artist has turned the Art Gallery of New South Wales into a bustling cityscape

When the Chinese contemporary artist Cao Fei was negotiating her solo exhibition at the Art Gallery of New South Wales’ modern art wing, Naala Badu, she was adamant it would not be a traditional “low-lit in a white square box” endeavour.

The Guangzhou-born artist, who has strong ties to Sydney (a sister city to the sprawling Chinese port city), wanted her show to capture the brashness and bustle of a busy mall or market.

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Invisible Nation review – insightful primer for Taiwan’s complex history

Documentary provides a useful introduction to the country, even if the geopolitics at times are a little simplistic

Producer-director Vanessa Hope has worked on a number of films about China and its neighbouring nations, and this new one focuses on Taiwan, which is increasingly in the news as anxieties mount over a possible invasion by the People’s Republic across the Taiwan Strait. As a work of journalistic explication for interested but underinformed western viewers, it’s a bit all over the shop, although admittedly the history of the island is fiendishly complex and confusing.

We get some handy-dandy animated map-based graphics that explain how it passed through the hands of various colonialist invaders, from both Europe and Asia. Then it starts to get very confusing for neophytes when we get to the time when, having thrown off the shackles of imperial Japan (which ruled from 1895-1945), it became independent, known by the parenthetic handle the Republic of China (Taiwan). Yet it is still considered as a not yet entirely incorporated satellite by the People’s Republic of China, perpetually under threat of forced assimilation like Hong Kong.

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‘Italian’ purees in UK supermarkets likely to contain Chinese forced-labour tomatoes

Some products described as “Italian” appear to contain Chinese tomatoes, BBC investigation suggests.

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Taiwan president's Hawaii trip draws Chinese anger

Lai Ching-te's trip to the US state is being billed as a stopover, but has been condemned by Beijing.

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Feminist hit movie Her Story touted as China’s answer to Barbie

Directed by a woman with a cast of female leads, the film is the latest to be centred around female experiences and prove a box office success in China

The recent box office success of Her Story, a Chinese comedy directed by a woman with a cast of female leads, has led commentators to dub the movie China’s answer to Barbie.

The second feature film by Chinese director Shao Yihui, Her Story revolves around a newly unemployed single mother with a daughter and their young female neighbour, as they explore their experiences and struggles as women in Shanghai.

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Silenced and erased, Hong Kong's decade of protest is now a defiant memory

The BBC speaks to Hongkongers whose hopes for a freer city have withered.

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Uniqlo faces China backlash over cotton comments

Commentators call for a boycott of the chain in China after it told the BBC it does not use Xinjiang cotton.

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Sweden asks China to co-operate over severed cables

Two cables in the Baltic Sea linking Sweden to Lithuania, and Finland to Germany, were damaged.

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China sentences journalist to jail on spy charges

Dong Yuyu, a senior staffer at the Guangming Daily and a Harvard Nieman Fellow, has been detained since 2022.

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China's giant sinkholes are a tourist hit - but ancient forests inside are at risk

These caves were unexplored for thousands of years, protected by swirling mists and terrifying tales.

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Who are the activists jailed in Hong Kong's largest national security trial?

They include prominent campaigners, former lawmakers and ordinary citizens who joined the pro-democracy movement.

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Trump and Xi Jinping’s ‘loving’ relationship has soured - can they rebuild it?

What their dynamic means for the future of US-China relations

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We want 'strong' UK-China relationship, says Starmer

The first in-person meeting since 2018 comes as the PM prioritises shoring up support for Ukraine.

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Poster: Highlight from President Xi Jinping's signed article in Peruvian media

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