
English News 旅游 澳纽资讯 编辑精选

Kiingi Tuheitia’s Tangi: The clockwork that keeps Tuurangawaewae marae ticking

Kiingi Tuheitia’s death was something no-one expected. But in true Māori fashion, the haukainga sprung into action to prepare.

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Criminal proceeds recovery: Couple in legal battle with police to keep $232,000 found in roof space

Police say the money is probably “tainted” and should be handed to the Crown.

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汉密尔顿儿童凶杀案 8 岁的 Zahquiel Taipeti 据称在睡觉时遭到锤子袭击


Hamilton child homicide: Zahquiel Taipeti, 8, allegedly attacked with hammer as he slept

The boy died from his injuries and two other victims were seriously hurt.

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仅奥克兰就从政府获得了 84 亿纽币的资金,是整个南岛的两倍多。

South Island missing out on fair share of transport funding, commentators say

Auckland alone has secured $8.4b from the government – more than twice as much as the entire South Island.

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奥克兰仍有数千人无法上网,修复工作 “困难重重” – Chorus


Thousands still without internet in Auckland, repair proving ‘difficult’ – Chorus

Repair crews are working around the clock to restore internet in parts of the city.

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Mayor of Whanganui does about turn on Māori ward seats

Andrew Tripe on Tuesday voted in favour of establishing two Māori wards seats in the district, reversing the choice he made in October.

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Woman struggles with bank to return money accidentally given to her daughter

A woman who received thousands of dollars in an accidental transfer says it was more difficult to return the money than expected.

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罗托鲁瓦事件: 有人被三只狗袭击,伤势严重被送往医院


Rotorua incident: Person attacked by three dogs, taken to hospital in serious condition

Police were called around 3pm; witness posts on Facebook..

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国家陆路交通计划: 政府的交通计划中存在一个医院大小的漏洞


National Land Transport Programme: Government has a hospital-sized hole in its transport plan

Where will the billions for the National Land Transport Programme come from?

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More professionalism in babysitting industry leading to price increase

These days, babysitters have qualifications – and aren’t just the 15-year-old neighbour, an agency says.

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Owner of Taranaki rottweiler Indy to appeal destruction order after the dog rushed cyclists

One man suffered several broken ribs when he collided with another bike’s handlebars.

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有人在奥克兰布洛克豪斯海湾(Blockhouse Bay)坠崖后被送往医院,情况危急


Person flown to hospital in critical condition after falling from cliff in Auckland’s Blockhouse Bay

Ambulance crews said the patient suffered critical injuries.

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穆奇拉洪多强奸案审判: 被告始终认为双方是自愿的–辩方


Muchirahondo rape trial: Accused always believed there was consent – defence

The defence case opened today for a man facing multiple sexual assault charges, with his lawyer saying the defence is simply that his client always believed the interactions were consensual.

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Rural real estate agent’s career shaped by hard work, community and the North Waikato countryside

Karl Davis has netted the Reinz Overall Rural Salesperson award for three years in a row.

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David Seymour in Hastings: 74-year-old ejected, claims assault

A crowd of about 170 people attended the meeting in Hastings.

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Following ‘toast-gate’ – what’s with mums and toast after birth?

After Wellington hospital maternity wards tried to pull toast from the menu, mothers stood united in their love for post-birth toast.

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Asian residents dismayed by international visitor levy hike

The community expresses disappointment at the government’s decision to raise the international visitor levy almost threefold.

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Eli Rubashkyn who doused anti-trans campaigner Posie Parker in tomato juice convicted

Rubashkyn pleaded guilty to the charges in June.

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Two by Twos sect accusations: Man facing historical sex charges expected to enter plea at next court date

The 79-year-old was arrested during an investigation into accusations of sex offending when he was part of the secretive sect.

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Mayonnaise enlisted in battle against possums in Taranaki

Possums “crave” the “delicious, high-calorie” bait.

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周一早些时候,Māngere Bridge 和 Onehunga 附近的网络中断,至今仍未修复。

Vandalism behind widespread internet outage in Auckland

The internet went down around Māngere Bridge and Onehunga early on Monday and still hasn’t been fixed.

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When does spring actually start? And what can we expect this season?

Does spring begin on the first day of September? Or does it start on September 23 – the perfect middle point between the winter and summer equinox?

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疲惫不堪,焦头烂额: 新西兰人应对生活费用危机



Flat out and burnt out: Kiwis grapple with cost-of-living crisis

Taking break from full time work wasn’t an option for a woman undergoing chemotherapy, while a young chef will take a sick day only for her children.

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菲利普-波尔金霍恩谋杀案庭审现场直播更新: 辩方证人继续作证,案件出现新细节


Philip Polkinghorne murder trial live updates: Defence witnesses continue as new details of the case emerge

Philip Polkinghorne is accused of strangling his wife, Pauline Hanna.

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Rotorua industrial park Peka under way with major earthworks completed

Civil work began in June with sections due to be ready by July next year.

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Māori King Kiingi Tuheitia’s tangi: Iwi leaders to meet to discuss successor

At Tuurangawaewae the King’s Council will meet with iwi leaders in private today to discuss who will succeed the Māori King, Kiingi Tuheitia.

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新西兰游客阿库哈达-爱德华-罗伯特-哈蒙德(Akuhata Edward Robert Hammond)在泰国阳台坠亡

我们已经设立了一个 Givealittle 网页,帮助将他的遗体运回家。

New Zealand tourist Akuhata Edward Robert Hammond dies after balcony fall in Thailand

A Givealittle page has been set up to help bring his body home.

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Map and Zap 使用激光而不是化学品杀死杂草

Kioumars Ghamkhar 博士说,Map and Zap 对全世界的农业都有吸引力。

Map and Zap using lasers instead of chemicals to kill weeds

Dr Kioumars Ghamkhar said Map and Zap should appeal to agricultural industries worldwide

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New pāua species found off remote NZ islands

‘The pāua that clings to the sea’: a new species of abalone found only in waters off Three Kings Islands/Manawatāwhi.

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Environment Week: Shining a light on Catherine Knight’s historical works

Her work has earned a local historian of the year award.

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The food price spike over, but what are we left with?

Inflation has settled, but prices aren’t back where they were.

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进入新西兰的游客税将增加近 200%


Tourist levy to enter New Zealand to be hiked by nearly 200%

The money helps maintain the public services and experiences tourists utilise.

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Security threats facing New Zealand detailed in just-released NZSIS report

Threats to New Zealand’s national security are increasingly likely to come from within – be it disgruntled government employees or those in desperate need of extra cash.

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Police not seeking anyone over Tūrangi deaths

The deaths of two people at a Tūrangi home will be referred to the Coroner.

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游客进入新西兰需支付 100 纽币


Tourists will have to pay $100 to enter NZ

The Government is almost tripling the fee charges to most international visitors.

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Fire crews work to re-contain Canterbury forestry fire

A prohibited fire season has been declared for the Canterbury District due to the weather conditions.

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Kiwi woman forced to work through cancer due to rising cost of living

A woman says she was forced to work while battling cancer just to help ends meet.

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奥尼洪加致命枪击案: 被枪杀的男子据信是黑势力成员安东尼-爱德华-兰吉(Anthony Edward Rangi

安东尼-爱德华-兰吉(Anthony Edward Rangi)是黑势力团伙曼古-卡哈(Mangu Kaha)的成员。

Onehunga fatal shooting: Man gunned down believed to be Black Power member Anthony Edward Rangi

Anthony Edward Rangi was a patched member of the Black Power-affiliated gang Mangu Kaha.

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Echo Walking Festival: Expanding the 2025 festival to Te Puke and beyond

The event will be extended to three weeks and new Western Bay walks will be announced.

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Tairāwhiti iwi arrive at Tūrangawaewae to pay their respects to Kīngi Tūheitia

Iwi of Tairāwhiti have arrived at the tangi for Kīngi Tūheitia.

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How many borrowers have ‘fix regret’?

Anyone who took to heart the Reserve Bank’s indication it was considering another rate increase could have been left frustrated.

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Waiheke Island loses its only after-hours medical clinic

Patients were told on Friday the Oranga Urgent After Hours clinic was shutting immediately.

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Flat out and burnt out: Kiwis grapple with cost-of-living crisis

Taking break from full time work wasn’t an option for a woman undergoing chemotherapy, while a young chef will take a sick day only for her children.

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Urgency to understand why flames and smoke were coming from plane

The Air New Zealand flight landed at Wellington on Sunday and investigations are underway as to what went wrong.

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‘It’ll kill rail off’ – Rail advocate on Government’s transport plan

The policy is “anti-rail” and ignores climate change, the Rail Advocacy Collective says.

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Crunching the numbers: Over-65s spending almost all of pension on sky-high rent

Some are spending up to 95 percent of their superannuation on rent.

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Cardiac surgeries delayed by up to eight weeks at Waikato Hospital

Cardiac surgery delays are causing backlogs across Waikato Hospital, with wait times ballooning by up to eight weeks, doctors say.

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State care abuse: MSD refusing to release records to survivors – lawyer

A lawyer representing state care abuse survivors is appalled that the Ministry of Social Development is still denying them access to parts of their personal files, despite a High Court ruling two weeks ago.

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Stunning scenery and treacherous terrain on Te Araroa trail

The Detail – New Zealand tramps are a major draw for international tourists. Not all of them are prepared for the dangers.

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Burn pile fire gets out of control on South Canterbury farm

Fire and Emergency were called to a Mackenzie District farm about 10pm Monday.

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Patients queue from before dawn to see doctors at low-cost South Auckland clinic

Local Doctors Otara says the long lines each day are a “sign of desperate times” in primary healthcare.

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交通部长Simeon Brown表示,让交通系统的受益者为路网维护做出贡献是合情合理的。

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Diversity at core of police’s ethnic and Pasifika strategies

Police are calling for people from all ethnic backgrounds to join their workforce.

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Foodie: First peek inside Auckland’s colossal Asian supermarket

Vehicles on roads leading to the Westgate emporium crawl to a halt as thousands descend on the 3800sqm store on opening day.

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How Chinese video game Black Myth: Wukong became a global hit

The game has sparked a new wave of nationalism on the internet in China, with social media platforms WeChat and Weibo abuzz with discussion about the release.

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Asian obesity in New Zealand doubles in almost 20 years

Authors behind the landmark analysis of New Zealand Health Survey statistics want to use the data to inform policy makers.

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