(双语)Health NZ 的财政赤字激增至9.34亿纽币

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Photo: befunky.com

Health New Zealand’s financial position has continued to worsen, according to its latest quarterly report.

However, wait times are showing some improvement.

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For the year to June, the deficit (from preliminary unaudited results) has now blown out to $934 million – a dramatic downgrade from the $299m surplus forecast in quarter three.
截至 6 月的一年中,赤字(来自初步未经审计的结果)现已飙升至 $9.34 亿——与第三季度预测的 $2.99亿盈余相比大幅下调。

Chief executive Margie Apa said the gloomier outlook was partly due to one-off factors including write-offs to surplus Covid-19 stock, Holidays Act remediation, cuts to Hauora Māori funding, unbudgeted staffing costs and “higher outsourcing across all employment groups”.
首席执行官 Margie Apa 表示,前景黯淡的部分原因是一次性因素,包括注销过剩的 Covid-19 库存、假期法案补救措施、削减 Hauora 毛利资金、未列入预算的人员成本以及“所有就业群体的外包成本增加”。

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Health NZ chief executive Margie Apa. Photo: RNZ / Samuel Rillstone
新西兰卫生局首席执行官 Margie Apa. 照片:RNZ / Samuel Rillstone

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“We are committed to resetting Health NZ to ensure that every hour and every dollar we put into our services are adding value to patient care and community wellbeing,” she said.

The report shows: 报告显示:

  • Immunisation coverage at 24 months (target): 76.5 percent, slightly down from 77.2 percent in previous quarter;
    24 个月时的免疫接种覆盖率(目标):76.5%,略低于上一季度的 77.2%;
  • Shorter stays in emergency departments: 71.2 percent, up from 70.1 percent (target is 95 percent discharged within six hours);
    急诊科住院时间较短:71.2%,高于 70.1%(目标是 95% 在 6 小时内出院);
  • People waiting more than four months for a first specialist assessment reduced by 1.9 percent and, for a procedure, reduced by 3.7 percent compared with quarter three;
    与第三季度相比,等待第一次专家评估的人数减少了 1.9%,手术人数减少了 3.7%;
  • Cancer patients starting treatment within 31 days: 83.5 percent – up from 82.7 percent;
    癌症患者在 31 天内开始治疗:83.5% – 高于 82.7%;
  • The proportion of under 25-year-olds seen by specialist mental health services within three weeks of referral up 4 percent;
    在转诊后三周内接受专业心理健康服务就诊的 25 岁以下人群的比例上升了 4%;
  • Newborn immunisation enrolment increased;
  • Increase in “long waiters” (people waiting more than 365 days for a procedure) to 2930, up from 2858 in the previous quarter.
    “长时间等待者”(等待手术时间超过 365 天的人)从上一季度的 2858 人增加到 2930 人。

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“The health target to shorten waits to less than 120 days is key but we will continue to monitor to ensure we do not lose sight of long waiters,” Apa said.
“将等待时间缩短到 120 天以内的健康目标是关键,但我们将继续监测,以确保我们不会忽视长时间等待的人,”Apa 说。

Other “highlights” included the opening on 30 June of North Shore Hospital’s new surgical building Tōtara Haumaru, with 2000 elective surgery procedures planned to take place in its first year.
其他“亮点”包括 6 月 30 日北岸医院新手术大楼 Tōtara Haumaru 的启用,计划在第一年进行 2000 例择期手术。

Preparations also began for delivering new cancer medicines to about 175,000 patients in the first year from 1 October.
从 10 月 1 日开始,第一年还开始准备向约 175,000 名患者提供新的癌症药物

Health Minister Dr Shane Reti said the report demonstrated “encouraging progress” against the government’s health targets, which came into effect on 1 July.
卫生部长 Shane Reti 博士表示,该报告表明,政府于 7 月 1 日生效的健康目标取得了“令人鼓舞的进展”。

“The latest report shows that while there’s still work to do, and I acknowledge that quarter-by-quarter we will expect variation, Health New Zealand is already making progress on four out of the five health targets,” he said.


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“This clearly demonstrates the value and the need for targets in the health system, as we’re seeing stabilisation of numbers that have fallen in the absence of a clear focus on performance over the last six years.”

The minister said he was particularly pleased to see the improvements in cancer treatment times.

Shane Reti

Health Minister Dr Shane Reti. Photo: RNZ / Samuel Rillstone
卫生部长 Shane Reti 博士。 照片:RNZ / Samuel Rillstone

“As the system prepares to implement new cancer treatments coming online from 1 October, starting with Keytruda, I expect New Zealanders’ access to cancer treatment to improve even more in the coming months.”
“随着该系统准备从 10 月 1 日开始实施新的癌症治疗方法,从 Keytruda 开始,我预计新西兰人获得癌症治疗的机会将在未来几个月内得到进一步改善。”

More than 61 percent of patients received planned care within four months, which meant 1519 fewer people waiting for surgery, he said.
他说,超过 61% 的患者在四个月内接受了计划护理,这意味着等待手术的人数减少了 1519 人。

“However, while people are waiting less time for treatment, they’re still waiting too long to be assessed, with only a small improvement in the wait times for a first specialist assessment.”

The reduction in immunisation coverage this quarter partly reflected an increase in the accuracy of Health NZ’s reporting, with the move to the Aotearoa Immunisation Register.
本季度免疫接种覆盖率的减少部分反映了新西兰卫生局报告准确性的提高,并转移到 Aotearoa 免疫登记处。

However, the government wanted to see more action to boost childhood immunisation rates.


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“Too many Kiwi kids are getting ill with vaccine-preventable diseases.”

Fixing Health NZ’s “significant financial issues” remained a key focus for the government.

“Our health targets are ambitious and this is not something that we can turn around overnight. However, today’s results are promising and I am confident that New Zealanders will see a real difference in access to quality healthcare.”

Te Whatu Ora’s dire financial outlook (a projected $1.4b “overspend”) was the stated reason for the minister’s decision in July to dump its board and replace it with a Commissioner, Dr Lester Levy.
Te Whatu Ora 黯淡的财务前景(预计 $14亿的“超支”)是部长在 7 月决定抛弃其董事会并由专员 Lester Levy 博士取而代之的明确原因。

At the time, Reti said Health NZ had been exceeding its budget by as much as $130 million a month for the previous five months, despite a 6.2 percent increase in funding in the May budget.
当时,Reti 表示,尽管 5 月份预算中的资金增加了 6.2%,但新西兰卫生局在过去五个月每月超出预算高达 1.3 亿纽币。


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(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News

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