(双语)新西兰人口普查更新:住房、性取向、收入 – 最新数据显示了生活方式的变化

双语 澳纽资讯 编辑精选

New Zealand’s population is getting older and more diverse. Photo / Alex Burton
题图:新西兰的人口越来越老龄化,越来越多样化。照片 / Alex Burton

New details about how Kiwis live have been revealed with the release of Census data.

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The information released today includes data on Kiwis’ housing, what they earn, their sexuality, how they get to or from work and school, smoking rates and religious affiliation.

The Census is a nationwide, five-yearly headcount of everyone in New Zealand and where they are living or staying. The most recent survey was carried out in March last year.
人口普查是新西兰每个人及其居住地或居住地的全国性人口普查,每五年一次。最近的调查是在去年 3 月进行的。

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Stats NZ has released the latest data from the Census, giving us fresh insights into the lives of New Zealanders across the motu. Among other things, Census data released this morning shows:

  • Wellington City has the highest proportion of adults who identified as belonging to the LGBTIQ+ community.
    惠灵顿市认为属于 LGBTIQ+ 社区的成年人比例最高。
  • Auckland had the country’s lowest home ownership rates in 2023 of all regions.
    奥克兰在 2023 年的房屋拥有率是全国所有地区中最低的。

  • The median income of working New Zealanders is $42,500.
    在职新西兰人的收入中位数为 42,500 纽币。

  • The number of people who speak te reo Māori increased 15% between 2018 and 2023.
    2018 年至 2023 年期间,讲毛语的人数增加了 15%。

  • In 2023, 28.8% of people who completed the Census were born overseas.
    2023 年,完成人口普查的人中有 28.8% 出生在海外。

  • More than half of New Zealanders have no religion.

来源:NZ Herald | 原文链接

分类: 澳纽资讯

(即时多来源) 新西兰英语新闻 New Zealand English News

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