(30日) (滚动更新) 世界新闻 – 中英 Chinese/English 双语全面报道

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美国达拉斯一公寓发生天然气爆炸并起火 已致8人受伤

中新网9月30日电 据外媒报道,美国得克萨斯州达拉斯市东南部的一栋公寓楼当地时间29日早上发生天然气爆炸和火灾,造成4名消防员和4名居民受伤,伤者已送医治疗。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻

岸田文雄将成为第100任首相 日本内政外交会如何?


Source: 中新网国际新闻

非洲各界人士:中国提出的对外疫苗援助行动计划 对非洲国家来说意义重大

非洲观察丨非洲各界人士:中国提出的对外疫苗援助行动计划 对非洲国家来说意义重大

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新网9月30日电 据“中央社”报道,美国国会参议院宣布将在30日一早表决临时开支法案(stopgap funding bill),以避免联邦政府于30日午夜后停摆。据悉,美国2021财年将在9月30日午夜到期。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新网9月30日电 据美国中文网报道,亿万富豪的“太空竞赛”进入白热化阶段。在美国太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)和“蓝色起源”公司“对簿公堂”之际,SpaceXCEO马斯克28日再次炮轰“蓝色起源”CEO贝佐斯,称他“靠打官司是没法登上月球的”。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

人类活动影响加剧 美政府将宣布23种濒危物种灭绝

中新网9月30日电 据美国中文网报道,美国政府29日宣布,象牙喙啄木鸟(Ivory-billed woodpecker)等23种野生动物将被宣布灭绝,并将从濒危物种名单中移除。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻

美议员反对鲍威尔连任美联储主席 称其是“危险人物”

中新网9月30日电 据英国《金融时报》报道,美国马萨诸塞州进步派民主党参议员伊丽莎白·沃伦28日表示,她将反对杰伊·鲍威尔再次被提名为美联储主席,称他是领导美联储的“危险人物”。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻

金正恩提恢复朝韩热线 称美国想会谈却不改敌对

中新网9月30日电 综合报道,朝鲜劳动党总书记、国务委员长金正恩29日表示,他愿意在10月恢复被切断的朝韩热线,同时指责美国提出要会谈,却不改变对朝鲜的“敌对政策”。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻

巨大龙卷风席卷德国基尔:屋顶被掀翻 船只脱离水面

中新网9月30日电 据“今日俄罗斯”援引德国当地媒体报道,一场巨大的龙卷风29日晚席卷了德国波罗的海沿岸城市基尔,造成至少7人受伤,并给当地带来重大财产损失。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻

德国大选尚未尘埃落定 中德关系已成议论焦点


Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新网9月30日电 据日本共同社报道,日本政府面向27个都道府县的新冠紧急事态宣言和防止蔓延等重点措施在9月30日到期后时隔约半年全面解除。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新网9月30日电 综合报道,本周,美国民主党人正试图阻止两场潜在的危机:可能的政府关门和美国有史以来第一次违约。由于共和党人反对暂停债务上限,一项将避免政府“关门”和暂停债务上限捆绑在一起的预算案日前未能在参议院过关,而众议院29日刚通过了一项冻结债务上限的法案,预计也很难在参院获得通过。美国政府会在9月30日到期日停摆吗?美国会面临历史上首次债务违约吗?

Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新网9月30日电 据“中央社”援引斯洛文尼亚媒体报道,斯洛文尼亚卫生部长波克鲁卡表示,在发生一名年轻女性施打疫苗后死亡的案例后,该国29日暂停使用强生疫苗。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

塔利班指责美国侵犯阿富汗领空 美不愿与其合作反恐

中新网9月30日电 据俄罗斯卫星网报道,阿富汗塔利班发言人穆贾希德29日称,美国无人机“非法侵入了阿富汗领空”。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻

俄总统普京解除自我隔离 与土总统面对面会晤

中新社莫斯科9月29日电 综合俄媒体消息,俄罗斯总统普京29日结束自我隔离并于当天在俄南部城市索契与到访的土耳其总统埃尔多安举行面对面会晤。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新社马尼拉9月29日电 (记者 关向东)当地时间9月29日,菲律宾选举委员会(Comelec) 发言人詹姆斯·希门尼斯(James Jimenez)宣布,Comelec“全体一致”通过该国2022年大选选民登记截止日期从10月9日延长至10月30日,海外选民登记截止日从10月1日延长至14日。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

韩国7月新生儿人数再创新低 人口减势持续21个月

中新社首尔9月29日电 (记者 刘旭)据韩国媒体报道,韩国统计厅当地时间29日发布的《7月人口动向》报告显示,今年7月,韩国新生儿人数为22352人,同比减少647人,创下自实施此项统计的1981年以来最低水平,新生儿人数连续68个月同比减少。同期死亡人口则同比增加7.1%,为25690人。由此,7月人口自然减少3338人,减势持续21个月。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新网9月29日电 据法新社29日报道,德国政府发表声明称,总理默克尔祝贺竞争对手社民党总理候选人朔尔茨在选举中获胜。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻

外媒:突尼斯总统任命新总理 系该国首位女总理

中新网9月29日电 据法新社29日报道,突尼斯总统任命地质学家纳杰拉·布登(Najla Bouden)为该国新总理,负责尽快组建政府。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新网金边9月29日电 (记者 欧阳开宇)作为柬埔寨第一家航空专业飞行培训机构,柬埔寨澜湄大学培训中心教练机首飞仪式29日在金边顺利举行。这标志着柬埔寨拥有了第一架用于民航飞行培训的单发飞机,也是中柬合作培养柬埔寨新一代民航专业人才的新突破。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

柬埔寨月内将六次抛售美元 以期提振柬币币值

中新社金边9月29日电 (记者 欧阳开宇)为提振柬币币值,柬埔寨进一步加大抛售美元力度,9月30日将进行本月的第六次美元公开拍卖。

Source: 中新网国际新闻


中新社雅加达9月29日电 (记者 林永传)随着2号特大桥上最后一联连续梁——DK9多跨刚构连续梁顺利合龙,印尼雅万高铁2号特大桥上24联连续梁于29日全部完成施工,为后续铺轨等工程创造了有利条件。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

确诊病例持续增长 柬埔寨将进行大规模筛查

中新网金边9月29日电 (记者 欧阳开宇)鉴于9月下旬进入亡人节后,柬埔寨确诊病例激增,该国决定节后对节日期间流动人员进行大规模筛查,违反规定者将受到相应处罚。

Source: 中新网国际新闻

岸田文雄将出任日本新首相 韩国青瓦台回应

中新网9月29日电 据韩媒报道,韩国青瓦台高官29日就前日本外相岸田文雄当选新任自民党总裁,并将于下月初接任日本首相一事表示,韩国政府将同日本新任首相、新内阁继续合作,发展面向未来的韩日关系。

Source: 中新网国际新闻



Source: 中新网国际新闻

Ecuador jail: Death toll in Guayaquil prison fight passes 100

Several inmates were decapitated in Tuesday’s clashes between rival gangs, and others shot dead.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 7:05 pm(NZT)

James Bond and MI6: Is there fact in fiction?

As the Bond film is released, some of Britain’s real-life spies reveal something of life inside MI6.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 6:01 pm(NZT)

North Korea’s Kim Jong-un offers to restore inter-Korean hotline

However, he condemned the US’ offer of dialogue, saying it was a “petty trick” of deception.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 5:34 pm(NZT)

Climate change: More ‘blah’ in Milan as ministers meet?

Despite criticism from Greta Thunberg, politicians say progress is being made on key climate issues.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 4:37 pm(NZT)

Coming off anti-depressants may not cause relapse – study

Staying on them reduces the risk of depression recurring but there’s no guarantee, a study suggests.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 3:07 pm(NZT)

Canada indigenous children’s compensation order upheld

The government had hoped to avoid compensating children discriminated against in the welfare system.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 1:46 pm(NZT)

Researchers find Apple Pay, Visa contactless hack

An attacker could bypass the iPhone lock screen and make large payments above the contactless limit.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 1:36 pm(NZT)

Britney Spears’ father suspended as conservator

Jamie Spears was removed after the singer alleged abuse, but another conservator remains in charge.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 1:35 pm(NZT)

The Kansas case that could change how rape is charged

In a US first, a citizen-convened jury will decide whether a violent encounter warrants rape charges.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 1:28 pm(NZT)

Dave Grohl: My whole life is like an out-of-body experience

The Foo Fighters star says his whole life is an “out-of-body experience” as he publishes his memoir.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 12:56 pm(NZT)

Maria Kolesnikova: No regrets for Belarus activist jailed for coup plot

Maria Kolesnikova calls the case against her “absurd” in her first interview since her conviction.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 12:53 pm(NZT)

Cristiano Ronaldo: Man Utd match-winner brings reminder of glory days

Cristiano Ronaldo’s match-winner against Villarreal in the Champions League at Old Trafford on Wednesday had Manchester United fans thinking back to more successful times.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 12:17 pm(NZT)

Ecuador jail: Death toll in Guayaquil prison fight passes 100

Several inmates were decapitated in Tuesday’s clashes between rival gangs, and others shot dead.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 11:57 am(NZT)

Britney Spears’ father suspended as conservator

Jamie Spears was removed after the singer alleged abuse, but another conservator remains in charge.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 11:56 am(NZT)

‘No point comparing us to past Barca teams’ – Koeman after defeat by Benfica

Benfica beat Barcelona in the Champions League to heap more pressure on boss Ronald Koeman with his side bottom of Group E.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 11:38 am(NZT)

Tuchel puzzled by ‘strange’ Chelsea display in defeat by Juventus

Thomas Tuchel said ‘I don’t know why’ Chelsea did not play well in their 1-0 Champions League defeat by Juventus.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 11:25 am(NZT)

Italy climate minister accepts Thunberg’s ‘blah, blah, blah’ criticism

Roberto Cingolani tells the BBC politicians have not done enough and COP26 aims to change that.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 11:03 am(NZT)

Afghanistan: US-Taliban deal hastened Afghan collapse, defence officials say

The February 2020 deal set a date for the US to pull out and strengthened the Taliban, generals say.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 10:49 am(NZT)

‘Transgender inclusion, fairness and safety cannot co-exist in many sports’ – major review

A wide-ranging review of existing transgender rules in non-elite sport in the UK gives new guidance on inclusion, fairness and safety.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 10:41 am(NZT)

Ronaldo scores in 95th minute as Man Utd beat Villarreal

Cristiano Ronaldo scores an injury-time winner as Manchester United come from behind to beat Villarreal in an action-packed Champions League Group F contest.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 10:32 am(NZT)

YouTube to remove all anti-vaccine misinformation

Videos saying vaccines cause autism, cancer or infertility are among those banned from the platform.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 10:21 am(NZT)

Reserve tankers going on UK roads to deliver fuel

The business secretary denies there is a crisis in supplies and says the situation is “stabilising”.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 8:52 am(NZT)

Katty Kay: Former BBC journalist quits US media firm

Ms Kay has quit Ozy Media after reports one of its executives deceived potential investors.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 8:30 am(NZT)

Beijing 2022: Unvaccinated athletes to quarantine

Athletes at the 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics who are not fully vaccinated will have to serve a 21-day quarantine on arrival in Beijing.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 7:44 am(NZT)

Anger as France slashes visas for Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia

France has accused the north African countries of failing to co-operate over returning nationals.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 7:44 am(NZT)

Iheanacho out of Leicester’s Europa League tie in Warsaw over travel documents issue

Kelechi Iheanacho is ruled out of Leicester’s Europa League Group C trip to Legia Warsaw because of an issue with his travel documents.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 6:57 am(NZT)

IPL: Glenn Maxwell powers Royal Challengers Bangalore home against Rajasthan Royals

Australia’s Glenn Maxwell powers an unbeaten 50 as Royal Challengers Bangalore take a huge step towards the Indian Premier League play-offs with a seven-wicket win over Rajasthan Royals.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 6:50 am(NZT)

Deaf man sues police in Colorado over alleged excessive use of force

Brady Mistic alleges he was slammed to the ground and tasered during a 2019 incident in Colorado.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 6:25 am(NZT)

Women in Latin America march for abortion rights

Thousands of women demonstrate across Latin America for access to legal and safe abortions.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 5:59 am(NZT)

Can the US avoid another government shutdown?

Politicians have just over 24 hours to avoid a potentially disastrous government shutdown.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 5:43 am(NZT)

US fans gave Lowry’s wife ‘dog’s abuse’ at Ryder Cup

Shane Lowry says he is determined to help Europe regain the Ryder Cup after revealing his wife suffered ‘dog’s abuse’ at last week’s event.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 5:03 am(NZT)

David Bowie: ‘Lost’ album Toy set for birthday release

Toy is “like a moment in time captured in an amber of joy, fire and energy”, his producer says.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 5:00 am(NZT)

US declares 23 bird, fish and other species extinct

The ivory-billed woodpecker is among the 23 species listed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 4:59 am(NZT)

Russia detains cyber-security tycoon Ilya Sachkov in treason case

Ilya Sachkov, co-founder of the firm Group-IB, will be held in pre-trial custody for two months.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 4:53 am(NZT)

No Time To Die: Daniel Craig’s final Bond film gets five-star reviews

Critics welcome the latest James Bond film, although some suggested it doesn’t warrant its run time.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 4:25 am(NZT)

GB number plate sticker no longer valid abroad

The GB stickers motorists use when driving abroad are no longer valid after a change in UK rules.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 4:01 am(NZT)

‘I found it a struggle’ – Moeen on why he left the Test stage

England all-rounder Moeen Ali says he chose to retire from Test cricket because he found the format “really difficult to get into” and “really long”.

Source: BBC News – Home | 30 Sep 2021 | 3:50 am(NZT)

Britney Spears: Singer’s conservatorship case explained

The US singer’s bid to end her father’s guardianship could reach its conclusion this week.

Source: BBC News – Home | 29 Sep 2021 | 10:11 pm(NZT)

North Korea says it fired new ‘hypersonic missile’

State media called it a “strategic weapon”, which could mean it has nuclear capabilities.

Source: BBC News – Home | 29 Sep 2021 | 9:21 pm(NZT)

Pacquiao retires from boxing to focus on running for president

Boxing legend Manny Pacquiao retires from the sport to focus on running for president in the 2022 Philippines elections.

Source: BBC News – Home | 29 Sep 2021 | 7:35 pm(NZT)

China: Big spender or loan shark?

China hands out twice as much development cash as the US – mostly high-interest loans from state banks.

Source: BBC News – Home | 29 Sep 2021 | 5:03 pm(NZT)

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(29日) (滚动更新) 世界新闻 – 中英 Chinese/English 双语全面报道