国泰航空的麻烦 不止一个!背后的隐形豪门已富过六代

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国泰航空这次惹上了大麻烦。5月22日有网友实名举报国泰航空空乘歧视非英语乘客,在其放出的一段视频中,有疑似为空乘人员的声音用英文说“如果你不会说毛毯的英文,那你就没办法拥有毛毯(If you cannot speak blanket, you cannot have it)”,周遭还传来疑似其他空乘的笑声。


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其实过去几年,国泰航空可以说是热搜上的常客。一位知名电视主持人曾公开喊话国泰航空,“真是对不起这个名字……还是善意的提醒一句吧,no zuo no die”。














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事实上这已经不是国泰航空首次出现类似事件,2019年一位知名电视主持人就曾公开喊话国泰航空,“听说有些人一听到普通话就假装听不懂……no zuo no die”。








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  中新社台北7月26日电 (记者 张晓曦)第二届海峡两岸动漫配音大赛26日亮相台北漫画博览会,面向线下动漫及配音爱好者举办动漫配音体验、中华优秀动画IP展示推介、两岸动漫和配音跨界交流等活动。

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  中新网桂林7月26日电(伍家琪 李金戈)7月26日,越南谅山省卫生厅党组书记、厅长阮世全带领谅山省卫生代表团一行7人到广西壮族自治区南溪山医院访问交流,双方就医疗卫生管理、医疗技术应用、人才培养等方面进行深入交流与探讨。

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赣港澳台青少年交流活动在江西南昌启动 已连续举办九届

  中新网南昌7月26日电 (朱莹)26日晚,2024同心·赣港澳台青少年交流活动启动仪式暨四地青少年文艺联欢会在江西师范大学举行。江西省委常委、省委统战部部长黄喜忠出席并致辞。来自江西和港澳台地区的400余名青少年参加活动。

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  中新社台北7月26日电 台湾“最高法院”26日对八仙尘爆3起诉讼案件作出判决,认定八仙乐园需负连带损害赔偿责任。未来此案相关求偿诉讼都将依此见解裁判,被视作具有指标性意义。

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  中新社新疆喀什7月26日电 (马晓东)由北京外国语大学(以下简称北外)的外籍专家、留学生及港澳台生等组成的研学团,25日至26日在新疆喀什地区参访。

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  中新网北京7月26日电 (李百加)2024海峡社团交流节26日上午在北京开幕,系列活动中,两岸社团将按照“行业对口”开展交流,来自台湾的40余个专业行业协会及民间社团360余人参加。

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  中新社符拉迪沃斯托克7月26日电 (尹柳玉 钟迪倩 熊天霞)当地时间7月26日上午,由中国海军龙虎山舰、郑和舰组成的舰艇编队抵达俄罗斯符拉迪沃斯托克港,开始对俄进行为期4天的友好访问,并参加俄罗斯海军成立328周年庆祝活动。

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  中新社北京7月26日电 (郭超凯 李纯 李迎新)7月下旬至8月中旬,中国军队将与坦桑尼亚、莫桑比克军队举行“和平团结—2024”联合演习,以“联合反恐军事行动”为课题,区分陆上、海上方向展开。记者26日从解放军中部战区获悉,目前参加陆上联合演习的中方任务部队已相继展开立体跨境投送。

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  中新网7月26日电 据司法部网站消息,为强化公民个人信息保护,推进并规范国家网络身份认证公共服务建设应用,加快实施网络可信身份战略,根据《中华人民共和国网络安全法》《中华人民共和国数据安全法》《中华人民共和国个人信息保护法》《中华人民共和国反电信网络诈骗法》等法律法规,公安部、国家互联网信息办公室等研究起草了《国家网络身份认证公共服务管理办法(征求意见稿)》,现向社会公开征求意见。公众可以通过以下途径和方式提出意见建议:

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  中新网7月26日电 据应急管理部网站消息,受台风“格美”外围云系影响,7月25日至26日,广东省河源、梅州和粤东部分地区降暴雨到大暴雨,局地特大暴雨,一些中小河流发生超警洪水。据气象和水文部门预测,未来两天,广东省大部仍有大到暴雨,韩江干流三河坝站可能于27日凌晨发生超警洪水。

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  中新社万象7月26日电 (记者 李映民)当地时间26日,中共中央政治局委员、外交部长王毅在万象会见挪威外交大臣艾德。

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联播观察 | 关键词看改革 多元维度的“惠民清单”

  联播+ 悠悠万事,民生为大。

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  中新网广州7月26日电 (记者 程景伟)据广东省纪委监委“南粤清风网”26日通报,广东省广州市委原常委、黄埔区委原书记周亚伟涉嫌严重违纪违法,目前正接受广东省纪委监委纪律审查和监察调查。(完)

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  中新社万象7月26日电 (记者 李映民)当地时间26日,中共中央政治局委员、外交部长王毅在万象会见欧盟外交与安全政策高级代表博雷利。

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上海民革开展专项民主监督 聚焦“新型工业化”

  中新网上海7月26日电(范宇斌 封辰霏)近日,民革上海市委会专项民主监督调研组在上海市杨浦区开展“积极推进新型工业化,服务高质量发展首要任务”专项民主监督。

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“中国制造”处处可见 外交部:这是中国参与奥运的另一种方式


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  新华社北京7月26日电 中共中央政治局委员、中央财办主任何立峰26日在京会见淡马锡公司首席执行官狄澜。

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  中新社北京7月26日电 题:“小众项目”为何能登上奥运舞台?

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关于防汛防台风 国家应急响应机制何时启动?如何分级?


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  中新社北京7月26日电 (记者 阮煜琳)中国海警局26日消息,当日,由中国海警局长山舰和石城舰组成的编队从山东青岛解缆起航,奔赴北太平洋执行为期45天的渔业执法巡航任务。

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台风“格美”致台湾7人死亡 农损近6亿元新台币

  中新社台北7月26日电 台当局灾害应变中心最新统计数据显示,截至26日下午2时,台风“格美”已致台湾7人死亡、1人失踪、785人受伤。

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  中新社台北7月26日电 台湾儿童福利联盟26日发布的调查报告显示,台湾11至13岁少儿有七成以上运动量不足,近四成几乎不运动。

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沈阳航空科技馆建成开馆 观众沉浸式感受航空科技魅力

  中新网沈阳7月26日电 (记者 韩宏)由航空工业沈阳飞机设计研究所出资筹建的沈阳航空科技馆日前建成开馆,该馆是全国首家系统介绍中国歼击机研制技术发展历程、浓缩沈阳地区航空科技事业发展脉络和普及航空知识的大众化航空科技展馆。

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  中新社北京7月26日电 (记者 张素)中国最高人民检察院26日通报山西省委原副书记商黎光涉嫌受贿一案进展。经最高检指定,河南省洛阳市人民检察院近日已向洛阳市中级人民法院提起公诉。

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Paris 2024 | NBA stars Curry, Durant excited to represent country in medal fight

The 36-year-old Curry, a four-time NBA champion and two-time MVP, will play in his first Olympics in Paris 2024 and expressed his expectations for the Games.

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Chinese tech shines at the Paris Olympics

The roundness, hardness, weight, and elasticity are all within tolerances that exceed the standards set by the International Table Tennis Federation.

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Measures in place to help typhoon-hit areas

The central government has activated emergency response to Typhoon Gaemi, which has severely affected East China's Fujian province after making its second landfall in the province on Thursday night.

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Huawei invites developers to join HarmonyOS Next for enhanced gaming experiences

Chinese telecom giant Huawei welcomes even more game developers and partners to join its native HarmonyOS Next operating system, looking to empower them with advanced technologies and offer users the ultimate gaming experience.

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China looks forward to Brazil's worldies in BRI cooperation: Chinese FM

China welcomes Brazil to join the Belt and Road family as soon as possible and looks forward to Brazil’s worldies in Belt and Road cooperation,” a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said at a regular press conference on Thursday.

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Paris 2024 | China issues stamps to greet upcoming Olympic Games

China issued a set of 2 special stamps to mark the upcoming 33rd Olympic Games in Paris, France. The set of stamps has a face value of 2.40 yuan ($0.33) with a circulation of 6.269 million copies.

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Paris 2024 | Olympic fever ignites River Seine ahead of opening ceremony

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Woman who gave life to protect Japanese in knife attack honored with national bravery award

Hu Youping, a resident in East China's Suzhou who lost her life after attempting to stop a knife attack that injured two Japanese nationals in Suzhou, was among the list.

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Surge in Chinese travelers to France ahead of Paris Olympics boosts flight load factor

As the Paris Olympic Games approaches, Chinese travelers have shown great interest in visiting France, and the load factor of flights between China and France reports a 3.94 percent month-on-month growth, according to China Eastern Airlines.

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Italian Prime Minister to pay official visit to China: Chinese FM

At the invitation of Chinese Premier Li Qiang, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni will pay an official visit to China from this Saturday to next Wednesday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning announced at a regular press conference on Thursday.

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Hungary to be country of honor for the second China International Supply Chain Expo

Hungary has confirmed to serve as the country of honor for the second China International Supply Chain Expo, which is to be held in late November in Beijing, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade said on Friday.

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Typhoon Gaemi hits China after deaths in Taiwan and Philippines

Thousands are evacuated from southern China while Taiwan and the Philippines continue rescue operations.

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Paris 2024 | Men's individual ranking round of archery held

Athletes compete during the men's individual ranking round of archery of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games at the Esplanade des Invalides, France, July 25, 2024.

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Drones showcased at 8th China-South Asia Expo

Cutting-edge technologies are on show at the expo in Kunming.

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California to remove homeless camps

In a dramatic move to address California's longstanding homelessness crisis, Governor Gavin Newsom on Thursday issued an executive order mandating the dismantling of thousands of homeless encampments across the state.

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Insights丨Middle Eastern scholar: China's mediation contributes to the stability in the Middle East

At the invitation of the Chinese side, high-level representatives of 14 Palestinian factions held a reconciliation dialogue in Beijing from July 21 to 23, and the Palestinian factions inked a declaration on ending division and strengthening unity. Najla Alzarooni, a China-Middle East Relations Expert, noted during an interview with China News Network that China is a very trustworthy global mediator and a very good listener. Therefore, China has made contributions to achieve peace and stability in the Middle East.

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Electricity grids get high-tech service

China's grid technicians are using more modern technologies to ensure safe and reliable supplies of electricity for clients.

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China and India: Path to improved relations discussed by foreign ministers

China and India should properly handle differences and develop mutually beneficial cooperation, and promote the improvement and development of China-India relations rationally, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Thursday.

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Yangtze River Delta focuses on NEVs, low-altitude economy

The Yangtze River Delta region is set to develop world-class industrial clusters in key industries, including new energy vehicles and the low-altitude economy, as part of efforts to deepen its integrated development.

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Typhoon Gaemi makes landfall in Fujian

Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year, made landfall on Thursday.

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Xiamen Airlines charts ambitious development blueprint

Xiamen Airlines, which celebrated its 40th anniversary on Thursday, has formulated an ambitious development blueprint, and is aiming for an outstanding performance in the next few decades, according to the company.

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New regulations to help protect State secrets

China is ramping up its efforts to protect State secrets via a recently revised law that emphasizes technological self-reliance and data security.

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Jimmy Lai's bid to end trial dismissed by judges

The High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region said on Thursday that prosecutors appear to have sufficient evidence to proceed with the national security trial of Jimmy Lai Chee-ying.

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China details 300 bln yuan allocation supporting trade-in campaign

NDRC and the Ministry of Finance on Thursday co-released a 16-point document on how to implement the plan for equipment renewal and trade-in of consumer goods, as officials said the policies will stimulate the consumer market in the second half of the year.

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China hopes Brazil can score a 'worldie' in joint building of BRI: Chinese FM

China is willing to promote the matching of the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) with Brazil's "neo-industrialization" strategy and other development strategies.

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Chinese Olympic delegation clarifies rumors of bringing mattresses, self-installing air conditioning

An official from China's delegation for the Paris Olympic Games clarified rumors about the Chinese team bringing self-installed air conditioning and their own mattresses at an online press conference held Wednesday.

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Chinese scientists discover highest-energy gamma-ray line in the universe

Chinese scientists from the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) reported on Thursday their discovery of a gamma-ray line with an energy of up to 37 million electron-volts from an extremely bright gamma-ray burst.

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Foxconn to invest 1 bln yuan in new headquarters

Foxconn Technology Group plans to invest 1 billion yuan ($137.6 million) to establish a new business headquarters in Zhengzhou, Henan province, as it has signed a strategic partnership with the provincial government.

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Xi chairs meeting on flood control, disaster relief

Xi Jinping on Thursday chaired a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee to study and arrange work related to flood control and disaster relief.

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China's anti-doping agency joins IOC in urging U.S. to follow rules

The China Anti-Doping Agency, or CHINADA, has called on all its global counterparts, relevant stakeholders, and organizations to jointly strengthen the solidarity, equity, and independence of world anti-doping efforts.

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All-out flood relief efforts urged

China's top policymakers called on Thursday for unrelenting efforts in flood control and prevention, stressing that the safety of people's lives must always be the top priority, and all-out efforts must be made in rescue and disaster relief.

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China urges EU to avoid protectionist measures in biodiesel trade

China expressed deep concern over the European Union's protectionist stance within the biodiesel industry and urged the bloc to refrain from the hasty adoption of trade protectionist measures.

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China's satellites for monitoring atmospheric environment, carbon put into use

The atmospheric environment monitoring satellite and the terrestrial ecosystem carbon monitoring satellite have been put into use on Thursday, according to the China National Space Administration (CNSA).

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China's industrial production performs strongly in H1

China has shown major bright spots of continued improvement across industrial production and exports, tied with robust consumer spending throughout the second quarter of this year.

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Gaemi to make second landfall in Fujian

Typhoon Gaemi, the third typhoon of this year, will make its second landfall in East China's Fujian province around Thursday afternoon or night, as forecasted by the National Meteorological Center.

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China will continue to play a constructive role to enable a ceasefire and resume the peace talks on Ukraine crisis: FM

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba in Guangzho on Monday morning. “Recently, both Ukraine and Russia have expressed to varying degrees the willingness to negotiate. Although the conditions and timing are not yet ripe, we support all efforts conducive to peace and will continue to play a constructive role to enable a ceasefire and resume the peace talks,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning introduced the discussion on Wednesday at a regular press conference.

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Paris 2024 | Beach volleyball players train at Eiffel Tower Stadium

Beach volleyball players attend a training session at the Tour Eiffel stadium that will host the beach volleyball on the Champs-de-Mars ahead of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, France, July 24, 2024.

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Paris 2024 | Grand Palais makes final preparations for Olympics

A view of the Grand Palais, the venue of fencing and taekwondo events for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, France, July 24, 2024.

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Paris 2024 | Esplanade des Invalides prepares for upcoming Olympic Games

A general view of the Esplanade des Invalides, the venue of archery, athletics and road cycling events for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, France, July 24, 2024.

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Paris 2024 | Rehearsals underway ahead of Paris 2024 opening ceremony

Rehearsal for the Paris 2024 Olympics opening ceremony is underway on the River Seine, France, July 24, 2024.

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Joint air patrol not targeting any third party: ministry

China-Russia joint air strategic patrol over Bering Sea not targeting any third party: China's Defense Ministry.

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Taizhou: Shipbuilding powerhouse rides wave of success

Taizhou in east China's Jiangsu Province is a notable Chinese historical and cultural city with a 2,100-year-long history. Beyond its rich history, it is also a leader in China's shipbuilding industry.

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Three suspected drug traffickers repatriated to China from Myanmar

Three suspected drug traffickers, named Zhang Anlong, Ma Wenxiang and Yang Jinmei, have been apprehended in Myanmar and repatriated to China on the night of Wednesday, according to state broadcaster CCTV.

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Youths embark on serving grassroots

About 43,000 newly recruited youths have set out for their voluntary services at grassroots positions in China's backcountry regions or border areas from mid-July.

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Paris 2024 | China House for Paris 2024 Olympic Games inaugurated in Paris

The China House, which highlights China's rich history and modern achievements, was inaugurated on Wednesday.

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High-tech products attract visitors to 8th China-South Asia Expo

The 8th China-South Asia Expo opened on Tuesday in Kunming, attracting many visitors.

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Silver tree-shaped tidal flat appears on Qiantang River

The spectacular landscape washed out by the tidal bore under the sunshine creates a spectacular scene.

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Insights | European scholar: China's NEV makers move fast, which helps deepen EU-China cooperation

The European Union recently has imposed additional tariffs on imports of electric vehicles made in China.

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China House opens in Paris

The China House for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games was inaugurated in Paris on Wednesday. Gao Zhidan, president of Chinese Olympic Committee (COC), and Chen Li, minister counsellor of the Chinese Embassy in France, attended the opening ceremony, appreciating the exhibits with Chinese elements.

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Macron will unveil gov't after Games

French President Emmanuel Macron has said he will delay appointing a new government until after the conclusion of the Paris Olympic Games.

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China aces determined to make a racket in Paris

No Chinese tennis player has reached the Olympic podium for 16 years. However, this summer, the national team represents a significant force in Paris compared to previous Games.

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State-owned companies high on reform agenda

Fueled by China's tailor-made market-oriented reforms and industrial upgrades, both the profit and export value of the country's State-owned enterprises are expected to grow stably in the second half, analysts said on Wednesday.

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Lunar soil samples land in Bangkok

Lunar soil samples collected by Chinese spacecraft Chang'e 5 have generated much interest among visitors to a fair in Bangkok — the first overseas destination of the lunar soil samples.

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Envoy calls for promoting stable, sustainable relations

Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng told representatives from the U.S. political, business and academic communities that China and the U.S. should complement each other and promote stable, sustainable relations.

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Ma Long wins hearts worldwide as table tennis legend captivates Paris Olympics

China's Olympic Delegation announced on Wednesday that table tennis player Ma Long and synchronized swimmer Feng Yu will serve as flag bearers for the Chinese team at the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympics.

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Stock indexes seek to attract long-term capital

The indexes recently introduced at the Shanghai Stock Exchange mark another step forward for China in indexing investment, and address the central regulator's call to nurture long-term investment, said experts and market mavens.

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59-country visa-free entry policy boosts Hainan tourism

South China's Hainan province is experiencing a surge in inbound tourism, with many visitors coming from visa-free countries such as Russia.

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New archaeological discoveries push back Huangshi’s metallurgical civilization by 2,000 years

The previously considered "3000-year continuous flame" of Huangshi's metallurgy civilization in Central China's Hubei Province has been recently overturned, with new field archaeological survey results indicating that the civilization may trace back to more than 5,000 years ago.

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Foxconn signs deal with Henan provincial govt to build new business HQ building

Foxconn, Apple's assembly partner for building iPhones, has signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Henan provincial government, to build a new business headquarters building in Zhengzhou.

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Singer from Taiwan donates antique clothing, garnering praise from netizens

The first batch of donated items included 12 pieces of clothing from the late Qing Dynasty (1644–1911) and the Republic of China (1912–1949), surprising netizens and earning praise.

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Chinese warship arrives in St. Petersburg for Russian naval celebrations

A Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy warship recently arrived in St. Petersburg, Russia to participate in Russia's upcoming Navy Day celebrations.

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China urges U.S. to cease deployment of missiles in Asia-Pacific

China has urged the U.S. to abandon the "nuclear sharing" and "extended deterrence" arrangements, withdraw nuclear weapons deployed overseas, abandon the development and deployment of a global missile defense system.

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International community hails Beijing Declaration

The prolonged lack of any effective solutions to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, experts said, is due to the deep divisions among various Palestinian factions, making it difficult to negotiate with Israel as a unified whole.

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University combines AI with educational tech

Shandong University of Finance and Economics has introduced the country's first specialized artificial intelligence model for higher education and teaching in the social sciences, marking an advance in educational technology.

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China to raise retirement age as population gets older

The country's retirement age is one of the world's lowest - and life expectancy is higher than the US.

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China seeks to unite Palestinian factions with reconciliation deal

A Hamas-Fatah agreement says they seek to share post-war rule, but this is dismissed by Israel.

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China bridge collapse kills at least 11 after floods

The partial collapse during torrential rains Shangluo city has killed at least 11 with 30 people still missing.

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Chip stocks drop on fears US to toughen China rules

The sell-off came after a report that the US may further tighten rules on equipment exports to China.

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Xi tackles slow growth as economy 'hits the brakes'

A property crisis, local government debt, weak demand and unemployment are hurting China's economy.

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China Tesla rival BYD signs $1bn Turkey plant deal

The electric vehicle giant has been rapidly expanding manufacturing capacity outside its home country.

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Scammed by the fake Chinese police

Con men threaten to extradite their victims to China if they don’t pay “bail”.

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What Moscow, Beijing and Delhi think of Biden v Trump rematch

Eight BBC correspondents give their view on the US election from global capitals.

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South China Sea tensions force US and Beijing to talk more

The two superpowers are talking more often to avoid conflict, the US ambassador to China tells the BBC.

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Forum on digitized conservation of cultural heritage opens in Beijing

Guest attend the seventh International Symposium on Cultural Heritage Conservation by Digitization in Beijing, capital of China, July 16, 2024.■  Guest to the seventh International Symposium on Cultural Heritage Conservation by Digitization look at posters in Beijing, capital of China, July 16, 2024.

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